This post is much delayed, but I finally have my pictures uploaded from Halloween 2007 (or rather, mostly Halloween eve 2007) and Terminus 2008 - the Harry Potter confernce that was held in Chicago last summer. In both, I'm dressed up as Tonks. I'll be posting more pictures soon from some other events over the last couple of years that I've been meaning to upload and share. Naturally, I'm putting pictures behind the cut. Comments appreciated! Enjoy!
Halloeen eve 2007, me as Tonks the teenager
Hallowen eve 2007, Tonks is ready to fight
Halloween eve 2007, Tonks is fighitng!
Halloween eve 2007, the time anomoly of Lupin and Tonks both as Hogwarts students (or rather me as Tonks meeting Alex Carpenter of the Remus Lupins after his show at the Oak Park Library in Oak Park, IL).
August 2008, me as Tonks getting ready for the big Wrock Chicago event the day before Terminus officially started.
Wand at the ready.
The Whomping Willows at Wrock Chicago
The Whomping Willows again.
The Remus Lupins.
Draco and the Malfoys.
Draco and the Malfoys again.
The Switchblade Kittens.
With Harry and the Potters.
Meeting Alex Carpenter of The Remus Lupins again.
With Steph of Tonks and the Aurors.
Back to the Switchblade Kittens.
Food at the Welcoming Feast, first official day of Terminus.
The tables before the Welcoming Feast.
The Welcoming Feast.
And more.
In line to get food at the Welcoming Feast.
With my trivia team the Babylon Garden Gnomes.
Lupin and Tonks!
In my Hufflepuff uniform.
At the live podcast for PotterCast.
Meeting Sue from the Leaky Cauldron.
The Babylon Garden Gnomes (minus Sam who had to get back to work) during our second to last match.
A shot of the ball from the balcony.
Fan art on display in the Common Room.
Notice board in the Common Room.
A note from Luna on the notice board in the Common Room.
A note from Prof. Trelawny on the notice board in the Common Room.
A note from Fred and George on the notice board in the Common Room.
A note from Prof. McGonagall on the notice board in the Common Room.
A note from Barty Crouch Jr. on the notice board in the Common Room.
The whole notice board inthe Common Room