Ok, I have no idea how it got to be 2:45pm, which is kinda troublesome to me as I need to leave the house to go to school (grad school) in 15 min and I'm still in my PJs. I wanted to catch up on my friends ljs, but I didn't get to complete that. Maybe later tonight, hopefully. I also wanted to post to catch up on what's been happening in my life,
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01: Name --Kelly
02: DOB --3/10/84
03: Location -- Overland Park, KS
04: What makes you happy --anime, cute animals, hanging out with friends
05: Currently listening/the last thing you listened to --The ending theme to Mermaid Forest.
06: Do you read my journal?--Yes, although I'm bad at commenting.
07: If yes, what makes it especially good or bad? --You don't skirt around real life. XD
08: An interesting fact about you --I want to write children's books at some point.
09: Are you in love/do you have a crush at the moment? --Nooo
10: Favourite place to spend your free time --With my friends.
11: Favourite lyric --Errr no idea. XD
12: The best time of the year --Halloween.
01: A film --RENT, it rocks.
02: A book --The His Dark Materials trilogy by Phil Pullman
03: A band, a song, or album --Franz Ferdinand. <333
01: One thing you like about me --You're very considerate and good about commenting.
02: Two things you like about yourself --I'm a good debater and I'm good with animals.
03: Look at my friends-list and tell what you like about one of our mutual friends -- tailfluff- she's my best friend. XD
04: Put this in your journal so that I can tell you what I like about you -- (only if you haven't already done so.)
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