No, I don't know who you are right now. I will find out, however. And don't even think about attacking me again, because this time, I'll be ready for you
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Well, well, it seems as though someone's finally managed to put you in your place. Though what they'd want your wretched blood for is beyond me. Unless... haven't gone about making any new enemies lately have you, Potter?
[[OOC: Snape is... well I can't really describe what's happening to him right now. He's broken, oddly broken and split and I'm not sure it's just in two. But as far as this piece of him is concerned he honestly wasn't the one that attacked James. Though he's happy it happened, you can almost hear him smirk over the last part. I still need to work out what happened right after with things Voldy-mun, but safe to say Severus no longer has the blood in his possession by now. He doesn't want it. At all.]]
I wouldn't be surprised if you knew something about it, prat. I wouldn't be surprised at all to find that you're experimenting down in the dungeons. If you are, I will find out and then we'll see who's got enemies.
[[OOC: James doesn't know anything and doesn't really suspect Snape anymore than he suspects anyone else, but he's a bit paranoid at present.]]
I know a lot of things about a lot of people. But to put use to any of it, I first need a point of reference. Just like anyone else.
And were I to experiment it would not be in the dungeons, so search for your little unknown ghosts as much as you like.
[[OOC: And Snape's largely just reacting as usual. He can't *not* take pleasure in poking Potter when he's down. And it all sounds just the usual banter...]]
You know who attacked me, Snivelus. And that makes you an accessory. If I find out I'm right, you'll go to Azkaban too, so you might want to confess everything you know about the attack, right now.
It is just like you to assume I have anything to do with this when all I offer is that I know a lot... and might even be of help. And I do not bow to threats from the likes of you.
I am not without pity for those whom are bullied and put down their entire lives. Had you asked nicely, as any decent person I might, I may have even helped. Yet you prove once again to be no such thing as a decent person. You can consider any such weakling sentiments I may have had on this matter officially off the table as of now!
Don't you dare insinuate things like that, Severus. It doesn't matter how much you might not like James, it's the fact that a student has been attacked. Something of this magnitude goes beyond pranking and 'putting someone in their place' (which is a disgusting thing to suggest, even for you).
Yet the fact remains that you believe someone wanted POTTER'S blood for a potion.
There is only one use for human parts in the study, of which blood is the most potent, and that is to tailor a formula to the person to whom the parts belong. Be it for Polyjuice or something even darker.
If you do not appreciate the fact that I am trying to help in this matter through my distaste for the Marauders and everything they stand for so far as to be unable to get past the simplest of way in which I put things, then so be it. I'll take my leave!
[[OOC: figures people would focus on the comment Snape meant to be less important, instead of the one he meant to actually MEAN something. Geez, he really does have to bash people's head in with what he means whenever he tries to be subtle. No wonder he's so bloody blunt.]]
For gods sake Severus, there's a time and a place.
Potter, I want you to know that despite our past differences I too find this unacceptable. I will be looking at my own house, as I hope will all the other houses prefects, and if the culprit does turn out to be a Slytherin (though I doubt anyone in our house is honestly so stupid as to perpetrate something like this on school grounds) I will ensure steps are taken.
As though these bloody Marauders have not tried to pin the blame on me for things I haven't done before. And already Potter accuses me after the simplest of comment!
Should I now suddenly become docile and polite to them and give them an open invitation to do as they will, where they have never seem to need one before?
Kindness enough that I have said anything at all over a matter that should be obvious another to hit any first year over the head. I will NOT mind my tongue as I do it!
[[OOC: Telling Severus to hold back in matters like this now only serves to make him more pissed. (refer to his other comments on this post to see what he's rambling on about in general). He's never been good at trying to be nice. It always comes out wrong and he starts getting his head bitten off... and starts biting others head off... the situation is never pretty... he should just slink off now before things get any worse... ^^;]]
Though what they'd want your wretched blood for is beyond me. Unless... haven't gone about making any new enemies lately have you, Potter?
[[OOC: Snape is... well I can't really describe what's happening to him right now. He's broken, oddly broken and split and I'm not sure it's just in two. But as far as this piece of him is concerned he honestly wasn't the one that attacked James. Though he's happy it happened, you can almost hear him smirk over the last part.
I still need to work out what happened right after with things Voldy-mun, but safe to say Severus no longer has the blood in his possession by now. He doesn't want it. At all.]]
[[OOC: James doesn't know anything and doesn't really suspect Snape anymore than he suspects anyone else, but he's a bit paranoid at present.]]
Just like anyone else.
And were I to experiment it would not be in the dungeons, so search for your little unknown ghosts as much as you like.
[[OOC: And Snape's largely just reacting as usual. He can't *not* take pleasure in poking Potter when he's down. And it all sounds just the usual banter...]]
I am not without pity for those whom are bullied and put down their entire lives. Had you asked nicely, as any decent person I might, I may have even helped. Yet you prove once again to be no such thing as a decent person.
You can consider any such weakling sentiments I may have had on this matter officially off the table as of now!
There is only one use for human parts in the study, of which blood is the most potent, and that is to tailor a formula to the person to whom the parts belong. Be it for Polyjuice or something even darker.
If you do not appreciate the fact that I am trying to help in this matter through my distaste for the Marauders and everything they stand for so far as to be unable to get past the simplest of way in which I put things, then so be it. I'll take my leave!
[[OOC: figures people would focus on the comment Snape meant to be less important, instead of the one he meant to actually MEAN something. Geez, he really does have to bash people's head in with what he means whenever he tries to be subtle. No wonder he's so bloody blunt.]]
Potter, I want you to know that despite our past differences I too find this unacceptable. I will be looking at my own house, as I hope will all the other houses prefects, and if the culprit does turn out to be a Slytherin (though I doubt anyone in our house is honestly so stupid as to perpetrate something like this on school grounds) I will ensure steps are taken.
Should I now suddenly become docile and polite to them and give them an open invitation to do as they will, where they have never seem to need one before?
Kindness enough that I have said anything at all over a matter that should be obvious another to hit any first year over the head. I will NOT mind my tongue as I do it!
[[OOC: Telling Severus to hold back in matters like this now only serves to make him more pissed. (refer to his other comments on this post to see what he's rambling on about in general). He's never been good at trying to be nice. It always comes out wrong and he starts getting his head bitten off... and starts biting others head off... the situation is never pretty... he should just slink off now before things get any worse... ^^;]]
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