Artist Scott Faust is a person who I discovered from shopping at the website
Mimaroglu Music Sales (ran by Keith Fullerton Whitman aka Hrvatski), where you can buy a good number of his projects, including his most active group Idea Fire Company. After reading Whitman's exclaiming comments I started becoming curious about Foust, and immediately went to Google.
Foust, as it turns out, is part of a philosophical group known as
The Anti-Naturals.
You can read their Manifesto here. I'm not going to try to pretend to understand what it is the Anti-Naturals stand for. But, like in this lecture of Foust from this past February, it's laced with these wonderful nuggets of thought that I find myself nodding in agreement with in my mind.
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The lecture has the title "How To Be An Art Object," and while it is more heavy in philosophical definitions of words than
lord_whimsy's "On Curious Living," I can't help but put these two papers side by side and feel that they are after a common goal. What makes me especially think so is what Foust says after the five minute mark: "If you worked on a painting every day of your life, you'd expect it to be pretty good, rich and full of ideas, details and coherent substance by the painting's finish at the time of your demise. You should think about your life in the exact same way. A true aesthetic approach to your life involves not only the combination of selected elements and influences, as well as an awareness of history, but also an attempt to create something new, beautiful and useful."
You can find out much more about Foust personally in the
Swill Radio section of the Anti-Naturals site. Swill Radio is the music label Foust runs and releases music he's worked on, in addition to the music of others that he feels embodies the Anti-Natural aesthetic.