Lost : The End II

May 30, 2010 17:06

 Lost ended on Monday, and it's only now that I feel I can write about it.  I suppose I needed a while to work out exactly what we had seen, and what it all meant.

In summary then, this happened.

Firstly, it took me a while to twig that all the island stuff was "real" and all the off-island "side-flashes" weren't actually side flashes at all - it was only at the very end that it was revealed that that was their depiction of purgatory.  And that meant it all started to make a bit of sense - especially as I didn't want the whole lot to be explained as 'it was purgatory all along'.

I think the most upsetting of the "realisations" was Charlie and Claire's - I think partly because I'd forgotten just how loveable their two characters were.

I liked the attention to detail - Christian wearing tennis shoes because that was what Jack had put on him in Sydney way back when.  And the Apollo bars all the way through.

The things I didn't like though, were that a) we didn't get answers - like why were the Dharma initiative still sending food drops to the island when they were obviously not still there.  And why people can't conceive on the island.  And just how the smoke monster in human form got to become the smoke monster, and what his whole purpose was; that b) there was a lot of assumption that we'd forgotten things that had happened at an earlier stage and that c) we don't know what happened to Kate, Sawyer and the gang.

I am sad that it's finished, but I don't feel too upset about it.  I would like to watch the whole lot again in a couple of years, and I'm hoping that there will be a brilliant set of extras on the season 6 boxset.

This image haunted me all of Monday night, and most of Tuesday.  Goodbye, Jack.

tv : lost

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