
Jan 02, 2010 11:11

So this is the New Year!

As I've not written much because of being at home, here's a bit of an update from Christmas.

So as not to break with tradition, Christmas Eve was spent in the Old Spot, with baked goods, middle-to-expensive drinks and generally poor weather.  But excellent company!  And my biscuits went down a storm.  Claire gave me a butterfly shaped cake mould, so I can make her a butterfly cake when we have our High School Musical evening.  I had a chat with someone about Notts County as well, which was random, as in the grand scheme of things, I know NOTHING about Notts County.  C'est la vie.

Christmas Day then, was amusing.  The morning was spent with my immediate family - i.e. Mel, Mum and Dad, and it went along the lines of: open some presents, Mum warns us about my uncle coming for dinner, and to please not wind him up that much, open some more presents, look awkwardly at one another once our guests had arrived.  Mel buggered off out for the evening, so Mum, Dad and I watched Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure, and Star Trek.  Then I got a smacking headache and went to bed at about 11.30.  (This is the earliest I've been to bed in over a week now.)

Boxing Day I began on my Lost-athon.  Which is going rather well, except I need to get back on it.  Then in the evening we all went over to House of Kenneth 2, and I didn't leave there until about 1.30am.  It was rather cold driving back!

Sunday, Mum, Dad and myself went to watch Sherlock Holmes - which I did enjoy, but the folks were a bit concerned by the lack of the Conan-Doyle story.  Then I went over to Sarah's and she cut my hair.  Huzzah - £1 for a haircut, as opposed to £12 or more.

Bank holiday Monday, Mum and I decided to venture to Toys R Us to buy Wii Fit's.  Yes, that is plural, I wanted one, but so did my Mum.  And it meant that my Mum also needed to buy the Wii as well.  What was funnier was that Mum bought all of her stuff, and then I decided I wanted mine, so legged it back around the shop, harrassed an assistant and got the last box.  Although there may well have been another customer walking around with a box thinking they could exchange it for the last one they had in stock.  Clearly they couldn't though, as it was waltzing out the shop about four minutes later.

Tuesday I returned to Nottingham and it was a total ballache.  The train was packed, I couldn't even move away from the doors let alone get a seat, and they were running rail replacement between Derby and Nottingham, which added another 70 minutes onto my journey.  Fuck that.  I asked Chelle nicely if she'd get me from Derby, and she did, and with hindsight, given the weight of my suitcase, I was seriously glad.  We played Charades go pop that evening, which was rather hilarious, although Steve never got the drawing ones, and my drawings were too weird for anyone to understand what I was trying to illustrate.

Wednesday Daniel and I started on our mass tidy up, getting all of the crap out of all of our (somewhat limited amount of) cupboards.  And tidying everything, throwing things away, and getting a huge pile of stuff that we can either take to charity shops or lob onto Ebay.  Unless anyone wants anything?  We also uncovered some rather hardcore patches of damp, so the dehumidifier that almost permanently lives in the bathroom has now moved upstairs to try to iradicate it.  (It's not working that well.)  Then we went to Ikea and Decathlon, where I got ballet shoes!  Proper pale pink leather ballet shoes!  I am so pleased with them.  We set up a Wii room, which means I can do Wii Fit in the comfort of my own warmish room.  Yaay!

New Years Eve was spent firstly at Bingo, where none of us won anything, and then at Chelle and Howey's.  It was a tad random - there was a girl there who had declined her invitation as Daniel and I were going to be there, and then when we returned from Bingo she was there!  She didn't speak one word to us, and didnt' stay that long, but it did make it suitably awkward for our hosts.  Then someone got the Wii out, which meant we had to play on High School Musical Dance, which was brilliant, and then someone put the TV on to watch London's fireworks, and then I got given the remote, meaning we swapped onto Jools' Hootenanny - which was priceless.  The entire F1 presenting team were there, battered, DC trying to see whether he could sue Jools because someone had spilt red wine on a white jacket, whilst Jake tried to pour champagne into his ear.  Seriously, if it's on the iPlayer, it's worth a watch.  As is Jonathon Leggard dancing like a total prat to Dizzie Rascal.  It all got a bit strange though, as Paul's girlfriend started having an athsma attack, and had to call a paramedic.  Thing started quieting down then, so we came home.

New Years Day was rather nice, albeit FREEZING cold - there was the obligatory walk, followed by the gender wars quiz and the Big Fat Quiz of the Year, which I came 2nd in.

And now we've still got some tidying to do, and I don't really want to go back to work, and I can't really feel my feet.  So there!

things to make and do, christmas at chez parents, tv : lost, wii, the shire

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