Jesus may be watching after all...

Jan 17, 2006 17:24

Got some weird religious mailings the other day from the Catholic diocese of Memphis Tennessee and some guy in Connecticut. The guy sent me a St. Francis medal, which I guess is kind of cool, whatever, he was into animals, but the thing from Memphis is a large envelope with "Chastity is HOT" written on the front of it.

Keep in mind, I requested none of these items.

Inside said Chastity is HOT envelope are a plethora of bookmarks, informative brochures, stickers, and even a temporary tattoo proclaiming the joys of not having sex. Some of the best stickers include "Heaven or Hell... YOUR CHOICE!", "Chastity: it does a body (and soul) good!" (written on a milk carton), and "I'm a Piece of God's Love". The temporary tattoo has lips that say "True Love waits for Marriage". The bookmarks are hilarious, including the one about "My Boyfriend Trusts Me", which promises "I will not tease or tempt my boyfriend; I will not wear clothing that advertises my body and not my soul."

I have no idea why these have made their way to my mailbox. I'm a little afraid... but I may order more stickers, seeing as they're free. Besides, I could always get drunk at a bar one night and dance on a table topless using the "Heaven or Hell... YOUR CHOICE!" stickers as pasties.
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