Jul 08, 2005 23:56
I'm in the car.
Casey and I are on our way back from Marietta. We just finished touring her future college campus, and it's a very nice school. It's a tech-school, and most tech schools look exactly the same...so it was really nothing new, but the people are very friendly. Si right now, we're just exploring Marietta and finding sundry stores like Walgreens and Blockbuster.
All the staff at the school are great, but to mood seemed a little hostile to me. It's a predominantly black school, and I wasn't really comfortable on the tour. It was very quiet. Akward silence mostly. But the campus is beautiful and the staff is great. I'm glad she's going to get a good education there.
On my end of the college spectrum, orientation for CACC is in a week, and I'm not sure where to go or what to sign up for yet. I exempted from the placement test because I scored above a 20 on all sections of the ACT, so I havn't even had a reason to be on campus yet.
The car ride has been quiet. We havn't watched a movie because Casey gets carsick from watching me screen too long. All my movies (excepting Reservoir Dogs) have subtitles, and reading in the backseat of a car isn't good for her. Not alot of music either. Bleh.
So yah, that's my current situation. Writing out of boredom and geekdom I think.
Talk to everyone later! Bye!