I had a couple of epic posts planned, one on my first two lovefilm discs; Silent Hill Shattered Memories (frustrating controls but a solid game and tries something new) and the original Fright Night (about as cheesey as 80s vampire films get) and also about a con I went to last weekend, and one which is a film review/ramble which I still plan to do.
However I've had almost nothing but long shifts and late nights at work this week and I'm just wiped out. I am still looking for other work, but at the moment it's a case of there's nothing but Christmas work and do I really want to be back to square one come January? I need to save money because I've got long term stuff planned, but I'd also like to have something resembling a life. Not to mention the fact that loads of people are leaving now and I feel a tad lame still hanging around.
Anyways, screw all that crap, here's a funny Tik Tok video
Peace out
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