I should probably get another Doctor Who icon. Just to vary it up a bit.
I've watched the episode twice now. Once with a huge group of people as it was transmitted (first time this series I've been able to watch it "live") and once with a couple of mates.
It. Was. Amazing.
Right from the get-go it was intense. The Last Centurian vs an entire Cyberfleet and winning. "Would you like me to repeat the question?". Oh Rory Williams, I love you. Favourite male companion, saying that right here. Sorry Mickey, sorry Jack, sorry Harry Sullivan, sorry Jamie (although I still have nothing but respect for a guy who goes round time and space in a kilt), but Rory is the man.
I loved the Doctor's A Team. Sontaran nurse was hilarious and was the source of a double crowning moment of funny and squick. Madame Vastra, the Silurian/Eocene/Homo Reptilius/Reptilio Sapien/whichever you prefer Victorian Lady who fights with katanas and is in a lesbian relationship with her equally sword wielding maid and they fight crime, is easily the most epic thing ever. Why couldn't last year's Silurian episode been about her in the old London Underground instead?
The Doctor's reveal was great. One of my mates literally punched the air. The fights were great (duel wielding a sword and a gun, heck yeah) and the bit where baby Melody explodes into goo was absolutely terrifying.
The final reveal I admit I didn't see coming, although I know some people who got it straight away. It makes me want to watch every River Song episode over again. The scene with River and Rory in the Stormcage takes a sadder spin on a second viewing. It's her birthday and her father is there, but he has no idea that that's who he is. Also does their talk about the Doctor in Impossible Astronaut count as "the boys talk"? at least all my fear of the baby getting written away aren't really an issue anymore. Although if something gets rewritten in a a timey wimey way I hope it ends up with Melody being able to be raised by Amy and Rory.
Random question though, if Amy was taken before America then why did the Silence take the Flesh avatar? Did they think she was the real Amy? Does that mean they're not in league with Eyepatch McEvilton and took Melody away from her?
I am quite pumped for the autumn.
Hopefully my next post will be something other than an episode review.
Peace out.