Scott (noticing a razor ad on TV): Hm... I need a new razor.
Blake: Is your old one hurting your genitals?
Scott: Um... if by "genitals" you mean "face", then yes.
Blake: Do you often mistake your face for your genitals?
Scott: ....are you calling me a dickhead?
Blake: I never said dick.
Scott: ...are you calling me a BALLS head?
Blake (affirmatively) : ...I think I am...
Now on to more serious matters:
As many of you probably noted, the Los Altos City Council just shot down a request to have a Gay Pride Day.
for more information: Now I am in no way a homophobe, and I support equal rights for gays everywhere, but come ON people. This is not a civil rights issue. This is not a matter of sexual-orientation descrimination.
I agree with the council when they say that supporting a Gay Pride day would be like endorsing a specific sexuality.
That doesn't mean I agree with the motives of some of the councilmembers (like trying to remain on good terms with their conservative constituents, for instance, or for furthering their own homophobic agenda), but they do have a fair and valid point.
Why do I feel like this is not descrimination? In order for it to be descriminatory against homosexuals, the city council would have to be DENYING rights to the gays that straight people get.
They aren't doing that. They are not saying "no you can't have this but straight people can.".
What they ARE doing is telling them that they can't have a perk that straight people DON'T have.
And really? I wouldn't care at all whether Los Altos ever DOES have a "Gay Pride Day". But I fail to see what gays think it will accomplish.
1) people who already aren't tolerant of homosexuals will only become LESS tolerant as homosexuals try to promote awareness and equality. Nothing to be gained here.
2) people who don't care either way will just become annoyed and subsequently less tolerant of homosexuals.
3) people who don't care but support equal rights (like me) will also become annoyed (like me) at the need of the Gay community to cram their gayness down peoples' throats.
Really- I don't care whether you like women, men, women who think they're men, men who think they're women, transgendered individuals, or hell even animals. But for crying out loud- you DON'T NEED TO TELL EVERYONE AND THEIR GRANDMA'S DOG.