Jan 03, 2009 16:55
8 things that made me happy today
1. Waking up to my dad telling me he's sorting me a car (eeeeeeeeeekkkk :D)
2. Coffee with my aunty this morning
3. Chocolate Caramel Slice that was .a.m.a.z.i.n.g.
4. Driving an automatic today and looking for the clutch (pretty good since the first time i EVER drove a manual was the 15th of December!)
5. Having McDonalds coke. (BK coke would've been better, but after years in a fast food outlet, you get a wee bit addicted to the carbonated, syrup version of coke)
6. It hasn't been so hot today
7. Fresh fish and chips for dinner!
8. Maybe speedway tonight? (i don't really like speedway but it will be good to go out with the fam.)
Edit: Cancel number one. should know not to get so excited about promises from him.
Cancel number seven. It's repeating on me and wasn't yum.
Change eight. Movies with my aunty, uncle and brother was preeetttyyyy good! cracked me up haha.