Title: Walking With a Ghost
Characters: Don Flack, Lindsay Monroe
Prompt: #13, Delusion
Word Count: 544
Disclaimer: The names of all characters contained herein are the property of Anthony Zuiker, Jerry Bruckheimer Television, CBS and Alliance Atlantis. No infringements of these copyrights are intended, and are used here without permission.
A/N: There’s a surprise inside. Crossposted to
csi_ny_fic, and
The dark settled over the city like a blanket, covering the concrete in distinct gloom. The city burst to life quickly with bright lights, the people outside still eager to walk the sidewalks. Flack could see it all from his apartment window. He hadn’t gone out in a while, but he didn’t miss it that much. The most he ever did was a drink or so at Sullivan’s after shift with the CSIs, but it rarely happened these days. It wasn’t the same.
“I’m worried about Danno,” he said, settling into a chair. “He hasn’t been the same since it happened.”
Lindsay sat on his lap, her arm around his shoulder. She toyed with his hair as she said, “He doesn’t know what to say to you, baby. You should talk to him. We all deal with grief in different ways, you know, and Danny just doesn’t know how to help you when you both lost the same thing.”
His arms circled her waist, as if making sure she wouldn’t leave anytime soon. Flack could almost sense an argument coming; Danny had always been a problem in their relationship, whether they had wanted it or not.
“It’s just, we didn’t lose the same thing, Linds. He lost something he wanted, and I lost something I had. It’s completely different. I don’t know what to say to him, either.”
“Just start at the beginning and everything else will follow, Donnie.”
“Yeah,” he said softly. “Yeah. I guess so.”
Lindsay frowned as she leaned her head against Don’s. “You know, baby, I heard Angell’s pretty into you. I think you should start dating again, find someone else.”
“I don’t want to find someone else,” Flack said firmly.
“I’m not coming back to you, Don. You know that. I’d hate to see you pass up something that will be good for you.”
He pulled away from Lindsay, an awful feeling opening up in the pit of his stomach. He had spent the past months trying to forget the fact that she wasn’t coming back. Flack had measured his life by her. Every smile, every secret, every dinner, every breath he took. Lindsay could come back. She had to.
“I’ll live.”
Lindsay stood up and walked towards the window. She had always loved the city at night; the lights, the sounds, even the absence of stars.
“You remember that time when you told me there were no stars in the sky because they were ashamed of how unattractive they were next to me?”
Flack remembered. It was, quite possibly, the worst pick-up line he had ever used in his entire life. Lindsay had laughed at him, and he had thought she would reject him right then and there. She had asked him out to dinner instead.
“Yeah, I remember.”
“I think that’s what you have to do, Don, hold onto the memories.”
“Bullshit,” he said fiercely. “I just want things to be the way they were before.”
“You know that can’t happen,” Lindsay said softly. She walked back to him and kneeled beside the chair. She rested her hand on his forearm, squeezing it gently. “I just want you to be happy, Don.”
Flack looked at Lindsay, his eyes filled with repressed emotions.
“Then you shouldn’t have died.”