May 22, 2005 21:27
What does it mean when your boyfriend asks you to marry him..... He actually means it though. I'm a little afraid because I think he really wants to be with me forever. It's scary because I just may want to be with him too. I see us together with a family raising them the way real parents should. I see us doing the things young lovers do, and then celebrating a 50th anniversary. I don't know if it's possible to find "the one" on your first try, but I do think that he has. I'm scared to feel this way, because it could end at any time. My question to you, o happy reader, what do I do now?
I saw Star Wars today, it was quite the disappointment. I won't give anything away, but it was boo-boo. There was some awesome scenes in it though, and some funny ones too.
Well thats all I have to say today,
G2G Holla Back,