Aug 13, 2004 12:12
She sent us this email this morning. Most newspapers have an insert called "American Profile." The Washington Times inserts it on Fridays, and this was printed (btw, she's not at all shy!):
...this week's American Profile Q&A section:
Q. Could you give us an update on Sheilah Kast, an anchor with Peter Jennings on ABC? Larry G., Indiana
A. You can find her weekends on PBS, anchoring the PBS/NPR Newsbrief, which are hourly 30-second reports produced by National Public Radio for public television. The Indianapolis native became interested in jounalism in high schoool. "The big attraaction was the reporting more than the writing," she says. "Reporting gives you a license to walk up to anyone and ask them a question -- what a gift for someone who's shy!" Kast has worked in newspapers and on television, joining ABC News in 1991, and hosting This Week in Business on public television starting n 1997. She spent two years in Romania when her husband, John Rosapepe, served as U.S. Ambassador to that country. After returning in 2001, Kast worked as a reporter for CNN. "I've been a newspaper reporter, an editor, a television corrrespondent and anchor. It's that sense of mission that makes it fun to go to work each day," Kast says.
[Pretty good picture, too...]