Aug 13, 2009 09:32
[OOC: Backdated to his first being accepted to the ship]
Grandfather, it worked. I'm now employed on the Silvana. Yes, I know you'd prefer me to be on the Victoria II, but we both know how many ways that would not have worked out, nor even been feasible to attempt. Anyway, I'll be working here as a mechanic as well as patrol and fighter pilot. Tell Mother not to worry, I'll be careful. The Duelist arrived at the north hanger here in town this afternoon and should be safely settled into her dock in the Silvana's hanger by sometime tomorrow.
Here is the frequency for the Silvana. [electronic data is transmitted] Of course, I don't need to remind you to make use of it only in direst emergency, and yes, I promise to keep you abreast of my doings and goings. The seal is holding just fine so far, though you'll be the first to know should it start to slip.
Give Mother my love, and Mahaad and his sister. [low chuckle] And tell Set I'll kick his ass personally if I finds out he's slacking off just because I'm not there.
Take care, Grandfather. I love and miss you.
Atem out.