I'd sit in the quad and think, "Oh my God, I am totally going to go far!"

Aug 21, 2007 12:12

Here it is in black and white Times New Roman font type...

I despise money!

Moreover, I despise insurance and these so called "benefits" one is supposed to receive in addition to money.

For those who don't worry about these things, I envy you more than words can say. Since graduation, these have been constant worries of mine.  With my health the way it is, I have to have insurance.  Medication for mental health issues do not come cheap and they are not medications I can just go without.

Those who have been out of college for a while know what I'm talking about.  We go through 4-6 years of academia and then once thrust into the real world, we get this bombshell dropped on us.  Where was the, "Hey, students, unless you have a specialized field, dumb luck, or tons of real world experience, you're not going to land a job right away."
If anyone is needing someone to lead such a seminar,  I would gladly teach it during Senior Seminar at college because it would beat a lot of the BS I got during mine about Graduate School and how to make a paper cup out of an envelope (I'm not kidding,,,this was actually  one of my sessions).

But, Emily, what don't you just move from Murray?

Simple, my dear friends, Murray State is that quickest way (and cheapest) that I can get my Masters in something guaranteed to get me a job anywhere I want.  Plus, my boyfriend is here and a kick-tail apartment with an awesome roomie to boot.  Sure, I wish the town was bigger but I do not exactly have the money needed to go shopping everyday nor to see the sights that bigger cities have to offer.

If you can not tell, I'm a wee bit frustrated.  Once January hits, my insurance gets cut off and I'm trying to figure out what to do about it all.  It doesn't help that I sit through every political debate and never once hear mental health being brought up as something the candidates are concerned about.  Pretty much because most people still don't view them as real illnesses.  Even some Christians I talk about this with still have the Stoneage Archaic belief that mental illness is just a lack of faith in God's healing in our lives.  I would really love it if one of these people would say that to someone battling with cancer or diabetes.  I'm sure the reaction they would get would be pretty amazing to watch.

Right now, I would kill to be back in college with my biggest worry being  getting a paper or project in on-time. 
Dang, I was such an idiot for thinking that life within the bubble was challenging. 
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