May 18, 2004 10:59
Here's how it went. Last night, I was cleaning the spyware off the comp (we had a Trojan!) and:
Sara: Jason, I was outside today and the cat brought something, I think it was a mole, and left it in the box...
Jason: Ok, hang on...
[a few mins later, out on the deck.]
Sara [lifts the edge of the box, squeals, runs to the side of the deck, almost puking]: I SAW MOUSE GUTS!
Jason [Lifting the edge, expecting the worst, see's two legs stretch then retract]: Sara, I think it's still alive...
In the end we have kittens! I went out and fed them and the black cat came out to eat. A no more than 3 day old kitten stumbles out. I picked it up, pet it, and put it back in the box and left them. NFG and FOB come out today...hopefully, Sara's plan for getting them will work.