"I'm not a ma'am!"

Apr 13, 2004 10:35

This entry is all about my stupid computer. Last week our computer decided to take a crap at the end of "hell semester" for Ed. majors at TCNJ aka JPE when Sara needs to print all her stuff out and turn it in. Mom called the computer people to see if it was ready and told them that Sara's academics were on the line. So, they got it done and we hooked it up, and sara got on the computer around 8 and the keyboard doesn't work. We take my keyboard and apparently, that keyboard doesn't even fit the plug.
Mom- If you don't shut that stupid game off...
Me- What do you want me to do [turning off the PS2]
Mom- Find the adapter for the keyboard.
Me- There isn't one
Mom-Find the adapter for the keyboard.
Me- There isn't one.
Mom [taking a step towards me]-Find the adapter
Me- Sure mom. (I didn't find one)
So Sara and I go to Radio Shack and buy another keyboard...that doesn't work. So, she calls the people at the computer place (it's only 8:30 by now) and the guy tells her to come in. They go in, the guy plugs his keyboard in and it works. So, today I reinstalled PNG (our ISP) and I had to call for our dial up number. key: SB- switch board, Op- operator, me.

SB-press 4 for local customer service. [I press 4] That option is invalid. Please hold for a represenative.
[5 mins later] Op-Hello, my name is "Jane", how can I help you?
Me- I recently had some computer problems and had to re-format and I am re-installing PNG and need the dial up number.
Op- what name is it under?
Me- Cheryl
op- ok...and the number?
Op-ok, I can't find it.
Me- It might be under my dads name, Ken
Op- yes, verify the name and address please.
Me-[verifying what she asked for]
Op- ok, i can't help you but here is your account number and I'll transfer you to internet services. Have a nice day, ma'am. [gives me the # and puts me on hold]
[10 mins later] Op- Hi, my name is "Janet" what can I do for you today. [I give her the low down] Sorry, I can't help you. I'll transfer you to troubleshooting. [Puts me on hold.]
[A min or 2 later] Op-Hi, I'm "Bob" what can I do for you? [I give him the low down and he gives me what I need]
So then I call to cancell AOL and the guy tries to get to know me. When he asked why I want to cancell my AOL account, I thought for a second then told him we found a cheaper ISP. He asked the rates then told me we could use AOL for $8/month if we wanted. He blabbed a little more and I said thanks but no thanks and hung up.
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