May 19, 2007 15:10
So I am officially done at Temple/Tyler! I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts on Thursday, May 17th. :) I'm so glad to finally be done after five long years. I had my ups and downs with it, almost leaving the program a handful of times for another school/major within the university. All in all, I'm glad I stuck with it. I learned a lot (largely through figuring out a lot on my own about myself and what I want to do in life.) I also met countless awesome, interesting people, and some truly amazing friends. I am pretty satisfied with things right now overall. I started a new job not quite two weeks ago at the Sears Portrait Studio in the Moorestown Mall. Right now it's technically part-time, but we'll see where it goes from there. It's not something I want to do forever, but it's at least some kind of a start. I can gain some studio experience under somebody else's name for the time being. I've been living with Rob in Mount Laurel for quite a few months now, which is wonderful. I'm working on officially switching everything over to this address, and he has been teaching me how to drive (right now just in parking lots). Soon I'll be getting a NJ permit, and then eventually a license. Yay! I'll be just the third Henry kid to have a license, unless Shannon or Kevin beat me to it. So yeah- all is well right now! I have my love here with me, we have our cat Noodle, I have at least an entry-level job in my major, and we're not too far from our families!! :) Good stuff. I guess that is all for now. We're heading over to good ol' C-Dale for Kevin and company's BBQ! Ciao ciao!