Oct 11, 2005 14:16
So I'm pretty sure I sprained or fractured my left middle toe last night... Or maybe it's just a really bad jam..? I hopped up onto the unfolded futon in the living room, and smashed my toe into the wooden arm rest on the side of it- man it hurt so bad!! A sharp pain went all over my foot. I tried to put some ice on it, but that didn't last very long as it hurt to have the ice pack on my toe. :( I've pretty much been limping around all day today because it kills. Mrow... Anybody know what to do to a possibly sprained toe? I was thinking of contructing some kind of cast-type thing for it. I dunno- perhaps I'll read about it online. It's all because I wanted to get back to watching Hamlet!! hahaha. Oh Meghan, you silly silly girl. ::sigh:: So it goes...
Hmmm... I can't think of what else I wanted to write about. I'm in the Ambler library killing time while I wait for the shuttle.
Well, I better head over to the shuttle bus stop now. Ciao ciao all!!
<3 Meghan