Oct 17, 2004 18:19
Wow.. this weekend sucked majorly... Friday night blew cuz idk it just did.. the one good thing was talkin to Geoff.. gawd I love that kid..... then Saturday mornin i got up all early n drove to my aunts and yeah that was fun.. sweens n ralph went.... we had fun scarin the hell outta him when all of it was made up haha wow!!... but yeah my weekend with Bubba was awesome and like yeah the rest of it sucked... some funny times but thats bout it... the highlight of my week was seein my aunt come back lmao.... bu yesiree... my dogs really sick and everyones bein so fucking retarded about it.. im sick of everyones shit in this fuckin world... no one understands what the fuck im sayin except Ron but thats prolly cuz he knows everything about Gage and my life... Im sick of other ppl sayin shit tryin to think its helpin when it aint at all....
ok so now my dog walks in my room and my mom yells at him sayin its his last ngith here... gawd how nice! NOT.... man i feel so bad for him.. i've had him for 8 years and he has been my life and he's the only memory i ahve of my other 10 dogs i've had and now its all gone... but ne wayz..... this weekend really sucked and as of now.. theres 3 people i'm not mad at and 2 are from Corry.... gawd next weekend will be the shit.. i'll be in Corry and yeah haha... well im goin for now cuz i wanna spend time with my dog....