Jan 29, 2007 03:25
As I was trying to sleep, I heard cat cries outside my window. I looked and there was a cat in the tree, hanging on as tight as it could, mewing. It had to belong to somebody, the collar glinted off of my flashlight. I tried to coax it into my room until someone could come for it, but couldn't get from the tree to my window ledge. I called security to let them know there was a cat in distress, but I don't think there was much they could do. Soon after I called, though, a second one appeared! They looked similar (both black/gray tabbies) and both had collars... But they couldn't get into my room, and it broke my heart that I couldn't do anything for them. I had to make a quick run to the bathroom, and when I got back I could hear the jingle of their collars, but they wouldn't respond to my calls for them. Soon I couldn't hear even their collars.
...I hope they find their way home safely.
real life