Title: At The End of the Hour
Fandom: Persona 3
Characters: Main Character(for sake of giving the poor guy a name, Minato Arisato--which is the same as from the manga [and my game, heh])
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Living weighs one down.
Comments: Um. ...This was supposed to be Akihito/Minato smut. Yeahhhhhh. I'll probably get to writing that smut later. Still for
nataku_chan, but I'll write what she really wants to see laterrr. XD; 365 words (very short).
Minato is someone who is kind even when he doesn't have to be. However, he is kind for a reason. He can feel the reason fluttering behind his chest, sweetly dark, a small stream under a new moon. He has reasons. He does not know if he would be as kind if he didn't have a purpose, or perhaps he really would be, but it's a moot point because he'll never know. Part of him knows that he's doing it (friends with Kenji who rambles about that older woman or Chihiro who really does bore Minato but is sweetly innocent and always nervous) because of power. The other part of him knows that he enjoys the friendships because he likes to be admired.
He is selfish. He keeps secrets (that boy in his room with that small smile and soft voice. The Velvet Room. per...so...na...--he knew without really knowing. A second of realization. A kick in the gut. A shot to the head.) and is always always there for others to bare their souls to him. He does not reciprocate. He does not tell them about his hunches or his knowledge that something just might happen on the full moon. He smiles and gives gifts. He patiently waits for his friends (can you call them that?) to finish talking and tailors his replies carefully--nobody is more careful than he in a conversation.
Everything has a consequence. Every choice. Every action. Every spoken word.
Minato acts like he does for the good of the world--or at least he keeps telling himself that. With each link that loops around him and another he could feel his strength growing, his skills sharpening, the sense of foreboding looming ever closer. Inching forward with the hands of death grasping for his heels.
He is tired. His life has turned into a game. A game he has to win because to lose means something more frightening than simply dying. He races towards the end, tries so hard for people to like him (for power to rise). He could feel the shadows closing in. Soon. Soon. A year. That's all he has. It doesn't seem as if it would be enough.
It will have to be.