I have read over many of my past posts, that today I find repulsive. Sometimes, going through really really fucked up patches in life, & dealing with those issues alone. Posting venomous things on the internet for public display was kinda my lashing out to a society that didn't understand, hell I didn't always understand!
It would take too much work to go delete everything from previous years. This post will be made public.
So, I would like to publically request that I am not judged by my past foolish rages. I still have issues, but some of the things I've written in the past disgust, even me.
Make no mistake... I am not issuing apology, I don't owe one to anybody. But I do owe it to myself to continue healing, learning, & moving forward.
Thanks for reading this!
PS-- I still do post things on here. Mostly pictures. My more recent entries have been "friends only".
Feel free to friend me.