(( I'm gonna also post this on facebook. ))
** The government is again slamming down their iron fist of fascism as they send out their FBI drones to terrorize, threaten, & intimidate animal & earth liberation activists. Recently within a short time span between these incidents. The FBI raided a Utah activist house for the second time within 4-5 months.
Joey Buddenburg of the AETA 4 case had a warrent to submit DNA samples (the AETA4 charges were dismissed, but the government let it be known that this wasn't over). Carrie Feldman was supeonaed(sp?) again to appear before a grand jury in reguards to a rediculous case against Scott DeMuth(sp?). And Rod Coronado was recently sentenced to 4 months in prison for alegedly violating probation by adding one of the founders of Earth First to his Facebook.
Heres the link:
http://news.infoshop.org/article.php?story=20100831083439933 This is pretty fucked whats going on, despite my personal opinions on certain individuals.
I wish them all well, as they all have targets on their backs because the government allows sick minded individuals & corporations to terrorize & brutally murder animals however they damn well please in the name of profit/greed. Capitalism is a disease that breeds terrorism. And Corporate Terrorism, Religious Terrorism (especially that of christianity recently), and lets not forget Government Sponsored Terrorism (who do ya think writes/re-writes & designs all the red tape legislation & hidden loopholes for the blood sucking corporations/industry & ruling elite to exist?). Those are by far the worse & most threatening to our planet & everyday lives.
And yet if you actively challenge their sick demented powers, YOU are deemed the "terrorist".