"Monsanto: The World's Poster Child for Corporate Manipulation and Deceit"
http://news.infoshop.org/article.php?story=2010monsanto (( for those don't know.. Monsanto is a company who's main goal has been to control our food & agriculture, turning everything into GMO's, destroying all natural seeds, & replacing them with gmo-mad science ones. this is a really fucked up & frightening story about the food we eat. it may be 8,590 words aka a fucking books worth of reading here. but even if you the viewer skims through parts of it, it's still better than passive ignorance. ))
** In other news.. Soon! Fucking soon!!! Maybe by sometime next month, I will finally have decent internet access. But with that, it also means that I'll have to get myself a laptop. Ok so I'll have to dip into my savings, & it's a step backwards. But if I'm able to sell off most of my record collection. It won't really be TOO bad.
Oh yeah.. APRIL!!!... If you're currently on a metal music kick, I suggest downloading some Municipal Waste, Toxic Holocaust, Goatwhore, Bathory, Bolt Thrower, Amebix.