Title: The Five Stages of Getting Over Kurt Hummel (2/3)
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 25,667
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: Mild violence.
Summary: One night during the spring of their freshman year of college, Kurt breaks up with Blaine over Skype. He claims that he misses Blaine too much due to their seven hour separation
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Comments 5
(right and then I scroll up to continue reading and TD comes up in the fic STOP IT CREEPY MAGICAL PLAYLIST, JUST STOP IT.)
I just saw the lines on tumblr and...lemme quote the fucking heartbreaker ones:
“I can’t do anything because I lost everything. I lost my boyfriend, my lover, my fucking soulmate. I lost his family-a family that I felt at home in, that I actually belonged in and was accepted and respected in. I lost my future, my plans, my dreams. It’s all just gone. How am I supposed to do anything?”
--That stirred something in my chest.
Each time Kurt said ‘I love you’, Blaine’s heart felt like it was breaking all over again.
--Oh my...that...I know how that feels. And thank you for reminding me. *wills self not to cry*
You don’t just get over the person you thought was the love of your life in two weeks.
--This hit a button. I tried getting over someone for two years actually.:))
It was trying to find its missing half.
--that made me cry.
Ohmygaga. You are a genius. You ripped my heart out and all. This was very angsty and downright heartbreaking.
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