Aug 10, 2004 15:07
yesterday had to be one of the most stressful days of my life. so much shit went down and of course, i got in trouble for it. let me sum it all up for u. jess drank too much and came in late, jess got caught, jess got cell phone taken away, jess' parents went threw cell phone, jess' mom calls my mom, my mom finds out i smoked weed b4, my mom goes pyscho, i lose my walet, its at jess' house, i go to jess', i talk to jess' mom, i go home, have a long talk with my mom, i get grounded. great day eh?
teenagers worst nightmare comes true.
nothing ever can just be normal for me.
the night jess drank too much, so did i, but i handled myself a lot better. at least i made the toilet.
i slept till 2 today. nothings worth getting up for.
i have decided what i want to do for college. nursing. its a lot easier financially and its a job where i wouldnt have to worry about if i could keep it. im lookin at neumann especially, its a good nursing school. PLUS stef goes there, it would be so fucking kewl if i went there with her. meme AND jesser are both looking for nursing too. i dont know whats going to happen to us after high school. i wish we could stay the same, but i doubt we will.
thats so shitty, to come to terms with u not being as close with ur best friends.
i wish i had my fucking car, its in the service thing at honda. HONDA MONDA
i need the boys here to make me laugh. i havent done that recently.
fuck you.