Aug 18, 2006 17:01
okay so today was friday. im pissed coz i just started liking school. the way it is are there are even days (periods 2 4 6 and our 5th pe/lunch period) then odd days (1 3 7 and 5). but i only have 5 and 7 with those kids I made friends with.(amber, shawn, juan, and carlos) so on odd days i see them twice and even days i see them once.
amber and i had been passing notes during gym today. she had told me before that she had a boyfriend, but in the note she told me she kind of had a thing for shawn. i told her i kind of liked him too, but assured her that i woudn't do anything if she didn't want me to coz that would be bitchy. but she was like well she had a bf already and she wasn't looking for another one. that i had a better chance with shawn then her anyway coz we were more alike and she'd rather i go out with him than some other undeserving girl. i was goin crazy.
they're all so easy to talk to. we spent lunch, gym, and english today. plus we had a fire drill. and its so awesome coz the way we sit in english, i sit kind of far away but they face me. and of course, i look over at shawn afew times. and the weird thing is, i've caught him looking at me as many times as he's caught me. i don't want to think he likes me and get my hopes up, but just the way he acts with me, it sends shivers up my spine. just thinking of his face makes me want to smile. he asks me things about myself as though he really cares. and maybe thats just how he is, but its totally sweet. he's just so cool and modest and funny and cute and SMART. we had to read our essays and i find intellegence one of the biggest turn ons... and if i was a boy i would have had a boner. it sounds way weird but that was the hottest essay i'd ever heard anyone read.
gawd, im a loser. but amber's in drama club with me on monday and if there are aftercare buses we'll be going. adn then i want to see if i can go over to her house after. but she lives kinda far away, my mom doesn't know her parents... so i'll have to work out the bugs in the plan. but if shawn was my first boyfriend, i'd die.
i feel kinda bad coz im not really hanging out with my old friends and i probably wont. i like hanging around with these guys coz even though we laugh at stupid shit, its still a lot more intelligent conversation then those black kids come up with. just the more proper way they talk is refreshing. plus juan is really into the kind of music i like so that'll be cool.
shawn's a swimmer. hes on the swim team and he wants to start a debate club because he wants to be a prosecuter. first time he told me me and juan had thought he said prostitute. then we started talking about if he had a sex change... it was crazy but so funny. im totally gonna love hanging with them.