Sep 27, 2004 18:24
why does no one understand? why do people think that i have absolutely NO problems on my mind and can handle everything crashing down on me? why do people think that i can always listen? why do people think that i can't cry and that i don't hurt more than anything? well i have news for you...
i don't mind listening to people talk about their problems (despite how this entry may sound) but i am only ONE FUCKING PERSON THAT CAN ONLY TAKE SO MUCH! i listen to my friends talk about their problems all the time about different things, but when is it my turn? the only one MAJOR problem that i have right this second and for the past 5 fucking months is the fact that my cousin is dead and i'm never EVER going to see him again. does anyone have any idea how much i miss him? does anyone know that every night i go to bed praying to god to give my one more day with him? does anyone know how much pain i am in right now? does anyone really realize how much i want him back? no, no one does.
i know that if anyone comments on this entry they're just going to say "oh you can talk to me about it anytime" but that is very untrue. whenever i try to talk about him, they suddenly lose interest and turn away. i completely understand that death isn't an easy thing to deal with or even to listen to, but it effects me a lot and he was the hardest person to lose. i'm sorry if this seems really harsh/mean/cold-hearted or whatever negative adjective that you can fit in there but it's the god's honest truth.
fuck this rant.i'm done.