so there's a slight chance that friday might not happen. well at least here. my dad's REAL set on destroying my night. ARG. these past couple days have been bittersweet. i'm seein the gang more and more. which is absolutly amazing. DUDE! when we had our toledo party last friday. jaimie took a picture of tomo in the fridge. (yes he fit. WITH the beer in there as well) she sent it to collegehumor. com...AND GOT ON IT!! lol it's so funny that's the link if you wanna go look. i think it's hilaroius. OH. and my boob's in it. HOLLER! lol although it's been awesome to see my pals..jas and i have been fighting. and i hate it. i love that kid so much. i hate fighting with him. i want to have nothing but the best relationship with him. jason i love you. always baby. don't forget that.
so i am going to soon to get 30 second to mars tickets again. they are coming to toledo i believe. headliners again. maybe not though...i'm not really sure where they're coming but i AM going to see them. i've been getting sick. i caught either jason's cold..or my mom's. it sucks. i tried as hard as i could not to get it. grr. i'm going tanning.
man i have so much laundry. FUCK. again.
i need to clean for friday. i need to kiss my dad's ass as much as possible.
I watched the proverbial sunrise
coming up over the Pacific and
you might think I'm losing my mind,
but I will shy away from the specifics...
'cause I don't want you to know where I am
'cause then you'll see my heart
in the saddest state it's ever been.
This is no place to try and live my life.
Stop right there. That's exactly where I lost it.
See that line. Well I never should have crossed it.
Stop right there. Well I never should have said
that it's the very moment that
I wish that I could take back.
I'm sorry for the person I became.
I'm sorry that it took so long for me to change.
I'm ready to try and never become that way again
'cause who I am hates who I've been.
Who I am hates who I've been.
I talk to absolutely no one.
Couldn't keep to myself enough.
And the things bottled inside have finally begun
to create so much pressure that I’ll soon blow up.
I heard the reverberating footsteps
sinking up to the beating of my heart,
and I was positive that unless I got myself together,
I would watch me fall apart.
And I can’t let that happen again
‘cause then you’ll see my heart
in the saddest state it’s ever been.
This is no place to try and live my life.
Who I am hates who I've been
and who I am won’t take the second chance you gave me.
Who I am hates who I’ve been
‘cause who I’ve been only ever made me...
So sorry for the person I became.
So sorry that it took so long for me to change.
I’m ready to try and never become that way again
‘cause who I am hates who I’ve been.
Who I am hates who I’ve been.