I should really update this thing more. I don't mean to go so long between posts. And it's not that my posts are particularly interesting. But they make me feel better for some reason.
My life is okay right now. Not too exciting. But then how exciting can the life of an almost 15 year old be? Not very exciting. I don't get high. I don't have wild sex in the backseats of cars. I don't even attend football games. My life is boring.
And yet somehow, I'm okay with it this way. I like to read and I like to babysit and I like to do nerdy things. And I like to surround myself with people who like those nerdy things too. I guess life can't be too fun if you're uncomfortable all the time. Why do cool things if you don't feel good doing them? I wish I did like to party and drink and smoke - I would probably have a lot more friends. But they just don't make me happy. They don't fulfill me.
And so another Friday night will probably be spent watching the WB. I hate that I secretly adore What I Like About You. What a nerd I am.
I really need to get my
site up and running. Maybe I'll go work on that. I bet Sarah's given up on me.