Because I had free time and to give myself some structure when I write, I signed up for a few fiction drabbles to help me along. So, to remind myself, here is:
Fanfic_100 table (Mark/Roger from RENT)
here and my spankin' new table for Danny/Rusty (Ocean's 11) for a really interesting community,
philosophy_20. I will put that in a different cut-post, so as not to muck up anyone's page spacing. The prompts over there are fascinating. Ta-
I also asked for Danny/Martin on
crossovers100 (which will perhaps motivate me to finish my RENT/WaT crossover), so we'll see if I get that one. If so, another claim chart to post. Woohoo. I love the idea of fanfic communities, because they are great repositories of ideas. Not always repositories of great fic, but oh well.
Not to mention that I have 12 pages of a Firefly fic and several more of notes for a couple other fics. *shakes hand at my productivity, which is clearly off taking a nap somewhere*
I just finished watching the second week of Nightmares & Dreamscapes; these were two of my favorites stories and I thought that William H. Macy, in particular, did a fantastic job playing a 30s noir private eye and the author who made him. It's amazing to me when actors can so totally change their appearance and mannerisms in each role. Johnny Depp is the same way. Awe, that's all I have :o)
On the downside, I've been feeling a little ooky on and off today, but it might just be because I was awake at a decent hour today *shamefaced* It's great how much more awake you feel when you don't ridiculously oversleep. So I think I'll curl up with Law & Order: Criminal Intent (oh so adorable, all the dead bodies...) and meditate on writing ideas. Whee XD
Ahahahahaha, I just remembered: I was watching Without a Trace with my parents, and the disappeared person was a 15-year-old girl who didn't want her mom to know she was pregnant (and hadn't figured it out until 4 months in (no I WISH I was making this up)) and she and her friend kept sort of scampering around lying and being 15. I mean this in a way not to make fun of teenagers, but these girls were being ridiculous in that oh-so wonderfully stereotyped way that WaT has. The funniest part? The "omgwtfBBQ" looks that Martin and Jack kept shooting each other. It was so meta. My parents and I couldn't stop laughing...