Happy Christmassy holiday type greetings, everyone! I trust all had a happy New Year and such? I hope so. I had what might have been the most fun New Years of my life this weekend. The apartment was overrun by six of my friends (plus one of their boyfriends at some points) and we had TONS of fun. I miss the feeling of hanging out with lots of people that you know well and are perfectly comfortable around. What with all the closeness that comes from four years of college and the dependency of close-quarters theatrical living, being together in a large group and enjoying ourselves is extremely easy. The hightlights:
*the decision that we needed to learn the entirity of Auld Lang Syne WITH THE SCOTTISH VERSES so that we could sing it at midnight. And then practicing it. Several times. LOUDLY.
*dinner at Joe Jrs. Diner (whose name gave us a good five-minute reminiscence of Sandra Bullock's landlord's son in While You Were Sleeping) and being flirted with by several workers, which scored us free soup samples and apple pie with ice cream. Not to mention amused looks as seven of us crammed into a booth.
*Drinks and dancing at
Beauty Bar, who had a great deal of $15 dollar cover getting you a drink and champagne at midnight. Thusly, I consumed the following: a quasi-
Dirty Girl Scout (we were missing the vodka), a
lemon drop shot, a gin 'n tonic, and two vodka with cranberry (my new favorite). All between 10 and midnight. Needless to say, 1am brought us to the
*Infamous Parking Meter Incident of Aught 6: Director and I both clinging rather dizzily to the parking meter outside, neither of us ever sick, but still not willing to move on our own. Despite the large quantity of alcohol, we seriously discussed both how great it was to use the parking meter as leaning post, and how RIDICULOUS we must look. Good times.
darkbluelizards "smuggling" me a glass of ice water. The bouncer following and checking to make sure I was okay and giving me tips on feeling better.
*Same bouncer looking really happy that I recovered enough later to come back inside and dance. He was a big fan of all of us, I feel.
*Dancing. I forgot I love dancing. Must do more of that.
*Having lots of good snuggly time with my friends. I love my friends a lot. And of course getting to approve of Biologist!Twin's boyfriend. Well done there. And English Major's boy as well, by long distance. Well done indeed *smirk*
I hope to start a Rentfic tonight(ish) and will hopefully post it in a day or two at the latest. There's one waiting for me on my computer back at my parents (didn't feel like bringing it back to NYC with me yet, v. heavy). Huzzah. So the real question: should I go for the "Christmas" or the "New Year" prompt? Decisions, decisions...
Aaand, apparently my stomach has decided I should be done with this entry and go lie down. Bad anxiety, no cookie for you!