Loving all the things (random squee)

Jan 14, 2012 20:01

The nice thing about the beginning of a new year is that there is always some change in energy, a feeling that bygones should go by, mistakes forgiven, and that all the things that need to be accomplished, can. Kind of fun.

Yuletide Excitement:

This year I got to write in American Gods and since one of the requests was more about any of the gods we meet, I wrote: In the Land of Fire and Dreams, which was lots of fun to write not only because of my love of the slightly pretentious second person narrative voice but also because I got to poke around and learn lots of random things about early Slavic religion (granted, it was on Wikipedia and similar, so I could be wrong on... all of it). And I got to reference the Great Chicago Fire, which makes my little Diogenes Boys heart happy.

I received but for the endless ifs by kittu9, which is an amazing story of Bloom and Penelope post-The Brothers Bloom, where they are awkward and real and full of adorableness with each other in a lovely jagged and true kind of way. And there is house renovation! HGTV would get a total kick out of reno-ing with Bloom and Penelope!

And now, some amazing Yuletide recs!

* The Hunt for Man-Yu-El (Aladdin) by cimorene
At sunset on the third day since the second water purifier had stopped, the city of Agrabah limped along in a state of controlled chaos.
The royal fountains and pools were empty; the use of water for bathing and watering of plants was strictly limited, which put the nobles out of temper, greatly gratified the smallest children at bedtime, and added a whole new level of pungency to the bazaar. The bakers in the streets sold a drastically reduced selection at astronomical prices; at the back gates of the palace, a line of hungry beggars stretched and snaked out into the city, and the Queen's cooks fed them on baked vegetable balls and salads, anything but bread; and kebab stalls had sprung into being like goosebumps after a cold wind, hawking roasted lamb so fast that the shepherds were fast becoming the happiest demographic in the city, and the sheep the most worried.
The sheep, and the Queen.

The writer took an amazing probably throw away line from the movie and extrapolated that clearly, Aladdin is set in the apocalyptic future. And goes from there. Adorable and awesome.

* The Man in the Gaberdine Suit (American Gods) by mtgat
Shadow comes home.

A story set post-novel that ends Shadow's story in a great way totally tone perfect to the rest of the universe. Love it.

* Hey Diddle Diddle by tryfanstone (Mary Poppins)

Great. I kind of want to live in a world where this happened.

* The Muppet Show Our Very Special Guest: Alton Brown (Muppet Show, Good Eats RPF) by hhertzof

Alton Brown guest stars on the Muppet Show, the Disney Company has sent Winnie-the-Pooh to check out their new acquisition and chaos ensues.

So more or less business as usual for the Muppets.

* Unreasonable Degrees of Happiness (Clueless, Cher/Josh) by catharsis

Cher and Josh: one year, five years, and ten years later.

I had forgotten how much this was one of my first pairing crushes. This fic totally acknowledges that it doesn't make much sense as a relationship and shows how it actually does and would. Too cute. (Also, mental image of young Paul Rudd? ROWR.)

* That's How We Rolls, Muchachos (Sahara) by alyse

Rudi still writes to his mother once a week and his Aunt Sharon once a month, and it's a testament to the sterling qualities of his current compatriots that not once do they give him shit about it. Of course, he's not entirely sure that his mother and aunt would appreciate his companions' other sterling qualities, like the fact that while they may not give him shit about things, they're more than perfectly capable of landing him in it.

OMG this is hilarious and I must watch this movie again soon. Perfect, perfect, from Sandeker on the phone to Al's hat to... everything.

* He Mourns for the Change that has Come Upon him and his Beloved (Chaos Walking trilogy, Ben/Cillian) by eudamion

The epic love story of Ben Moore and Cillian Boyd, and their friendship with Josephine Hewitt. A glimpse at the events of the Spackle War and what followed through the eyes of Ben Moore.
Ok, if you haven't read these books, you are missing out and need to go read them right now. This makes perfect sense as a prequel to the world and fits into the achy hope-seeking universe.

* The Spaces Between Us (are full of everything we love) [The Holiday] by lionessvalenti

Living with long-distance relationships. A story told through emails.

Ok, this movie is great (and has bonus adorably sappy romantic Jude Law! Man, that guy is charming) if a little sappy, and this fic totally nails that.

* Jane Eyre has a Posse (Jane Austen's Fight Club) by Bow

After an initial success, Jane Austen's Fight Club has become tedious and routine. If fight club is to thrive, the ladies will need a serious intervention, Brontë-style. Featuring exciting crossover action!

This make me LOL. I was also embarrassed to not know all the characters (bad English major! my lack of Brontë is showing). Extremely clever.

* It's Always Summer in the Songs (Song of Ice & Fire) by Oshun

“. . . they are the knights of summer, and winter is coming.” -- A Clash of Kings: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Two. Loras falls in love with Renly, from Loras's point of view. The story that isn't told in the books.
Otherwise known as Loras and Renly are so married.

* A cop-out rec of too much awesome: so many cool and fascinating fics in Grimm, which is a cool and entertaining new tv show that messes around delighfully in the fairy tale trope.

And, because January comes right after December (same every year!) I had a birthday! My friends threw me a party and it was awesome and filled with cake and presents. I had what felt like 800 birthday celebrations, between my friends and various groupings of my family. Love it.

I've been busy with work (tutoring and setting up the possibility of an early morning aide in kindergarten, oh and reading all the applications ever) but right now I have the cold of doom. Which means that instead of being productive I've been watching bad tv movies on Lifetime (I've learned way too much about teen issues today) and coding the heck out of this.

Oh, almost forgot, if you haven't seen it you should go check out my dashed off "what if Arthur/Eames were on Facebook?" fic that got 300 hits in a day and half. Inception is still the new black, friends. Forgotten how intense writing in popular fandoms in in regards to feedback. So, go see The Power of Social Media, it amuses me.

As previously stated, I am 

flyakate  at DW, add me!

Ok, this post has been sitting on my computer for 800 days, finally posting it. Yay.
This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth: http://flyakate.dreamwidth.org/270273.html.
people have commented there.

family moments, tv: grimm, fic: recs, yuletide, fic: meta, rec triad

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