Yuletide Letter

Nov 22, 2010 00:14

Seeing as I "helpfully" (er, I mean that ironically) linked either to my main journal or my page of fanfic (though I suppose that would be helpful so you could see what I write, and therefore what I might enjoy? Don't ask me to explain my logic, there was none) I will write this and leave it at the top of my journal and make a link from my fanfic page as well. My apologies. So, to begin...

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Congratulations, you get to write a story based on the 4 fandoms I chose! I hope you are excited, because I am. The most important thing is for you to have fun with it. Feel free to ignore pretty much all of this as optional, but if you would like more brain dumping about the fandoms/my likes/my whatevers, read on!

Overall: I don't write a lot of explicit fic, but if you do, I'd love to read it! No humiliation or consent issues though, please. However, some of these are dark and violent canons, so as long as it's canon compliant or "in universe", go for it!

I enjoy witty banter, a little bit of angst/UST, joking, startling plot twists, introspection, and a final resolution of sexual tension/pining. Not PWP, however--realistic or "believable" relationships/endings over "aliens made us do it"... because sadly none of these canons involve aliens.

V for Vendetta (V, Evey Hammond)

-Sign up details: Perhaps Evey finds more letters/journals/writings from other "patients" at Larkhill when she is going through V's things post-canon. Maybe she comes across a journal that belonged to her parents when she was little. Possibly something else entirely. Enjoy!

-This movie gives us a grim, dystopic and violent world--feel free to have fun with it! Post-canon or during, up to you. The "letters from the past" idea is just a suggestion, take it or leave it. In the film they hint at post-canon Evey/Finch, which you are welcome to play with or ignore. Both V and Evey don't have to be the focus or even in the story, but try to keep at least one of them "in focus".

Brick (Brendan Frye)

-Details: Does Brendan have another "case" he needs to solve? Is he still thinking about the events from the movie and we see how canon has moved on? How did he and Brain meet? Bonus points for in-character use of the noir slang from the film. Extra bonus points for putting Brendan in something dressy a la Joseph Gordon-Levitt's costumes in "Inception" ;o)

- As long as you keep it in-character (and in voice of the film, if possible) I have no requirements. Gen, slash, het, whatever floats your boat. And I'm serious about the suit.

It - Stephen King (Bill, Ben, Richie, Mike)

Details: I love this book to pieces. Anything in keeping with canon (either a look post-canon at how the boys (and Bev! Bev is awesome!) remember or don't, a "lost scene" from the days growing up in Derry) is great; something that keeps with the creepy and a little bit weirdly nostalgic vibe from that universe is good too.

-Not all the boys need to appear, but I've read some amazing takes on pre- and post-canon from this novel more amazing than anything I could prescribe, so I have no real requests here. Slash only really makes sense to me in the context of the boys/Bev, but if you have a pairing near and dear to your heart, I'm game. If you're up to it and are a fan of King's other works/mythology, feel free to play with connections between IT and the whole Dark Tower/Crimson King/the Turtle/Gan business as discussed in a little detail here. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, no worries.

The Brothers Bloom (Bloom)

Details: Bloom and his brother got up to a lot of crazy cons when they were kids (as shown in the opening). Want to elaborate? Alternatively, what is Bloom up to post-canon--having wild adventures with Penelope? Planning cons that are either better or way worse than his brother could ever imagine? Have fun with it!

-Jeez, how many times did I tell you to have fun? Anyway, crazy tricks and complicated cons, either with the boys growing up, time with the Diamond Dog, Bloom with Penelope after (solving crime? creating it? could go either way with that pair. also, the idea of the pair of them with kids is kind of amazingly hilarious)? Can't go wrong here. Feel free to go funny (like much of the movie) or darker (especially if you go the route of Bloom and Stephen as kids, because I'm sure some bad stuff went down too).

The stories that I wrote are linked on the sidebar as FlyaFic, showing you the wide range of fandoms (and ratings) that I've created myself. Past Yuletides I've received are here and here. Yuletides I've written (if you care) are labeled as such on my master fic post.

Thank you for reading all of this, if you did.

Happy Yuletide!

:o) flyakate

xmas, fic: plots and problems

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