I am dog-sitting for a friend (the dog is awesome and named Bogey and he looks mostly like
this but older and more white on his face) and it's been a good time. They get back tomorrow, so mostly I've been watching lots of Olympics shenanigans, going randomly shopping (it's like a mini-vacation!) and... sleeping. Mmm, sleeping.
Today I was walking down the street (my friend lives in the town I lived in before San Francisco, so it was nicely nostalgic) and I wandered around in
Pensey's Spices (...and bought some
hot chocolate mix, so sue me) and really, it was enough like a place where Rodney the
semelier (thank you forever,
aesc!) would rave at the customers with slouchy John in the corner. There was a decided lack of either of them in reality, sadly.
I bought some lovely flowers at the farmer's market--some look like a small daffodil while the others are white and nicely fragrant--for 2 dollars for 20, so it's been a good day.
I woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose though; guess I didn't totally survive the week of teaching in the classroom where the teacher was out with a flu-brochitis-ew plague unscathed. Oh well.
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I hope you are having a good weekend (and that you don't have to work on President's Day, that'd be nice) and are spending the day with friends or loved ones or yourself. Or your dog-for-the-weekend, if you're me :o) But I'm pretty sure I'm Bogey's valentine, so what more could I want? XD
&hearts &hearts &hearts
Also, all these ads of parents driving their kids to hockey practices always made me teary. 'Cause though it was soccer (and softball and fencing lessons and flute and tons more) that was totally my mom. Parents don't get enough credit, man. *sniffle*