Most of my brain has been taken up with either dogsitting (a week ago, for a week, cuuuuuuuuute cocker spaniel who had squeaky snores, it was awesome) and summer camp (middle schoolers who are funny and tiring). I've also been catching up on Bones (aw, David Boreanaz is adorable). I'm up to "The Cinderella in the Cardboard" and
I actually have already guessed that Seeley has a brain tumor. Sorry, Bones staff, but I've seen Ally McBeal when Billy hallucinates and eventually dies in season 3. Not to mention thatEli Stone is pretty much one long tumor-induced hallucination with some law thrown in. I really enjoy the random rotation of interns, weirdly enough. Especially Mr. Nigel Murray, who(m?) I find extremely adorable. I feel like someone has made icons with a quizzical looking MNM (as it were) and now I can't find them. Bummer.
Today, Remix Redux 7 is open for reading! My original writer seems to like the remix I wrote, which is excellent. Someone (who is awesome and still anonymous until the 26th) took
Not So Artificial and made
Just Breathe (The Artifact of Vision Remix) which is hot and adorable and really shows how John and Rodney are sometimes so great together... and yet so inarticulate together. *smushes them*
I had a great time reading in all the fandoms that I know, which is always fun.
Go! Read!
My sister and I watched the finale for Criminal Minds (again, for me) which I already griped about
here. I've also been reading lots of Prentiss/Rossi, which is sort of connected (by the transitive theory of awesome? I dunno)... :o)