Talk about worlds colliding into a burst of AWESOME.

Mar 07, 2009 21:37

So I was flipping through the channels and came across Without a Trace and saw that the guys are finding a disappeared serial killer... and GRISSOM is helping figure stuff out. Which totally means that my amazing crossover story idea where Warrick and Danny played football together as kids at a rec center and were juvenilely delinquent make perfect ficcish sense (dude, you KNOW it'd be awesome and why have I never written it? Sheesh.) and even better? It makes trifles's CSI: Miami/WaT/Empire Records story totally canon. :D

Sadly, I have no more Danny/Martin icons, because that show kind of failed me in a story-telling sense. However, I am several episodes behind on Criminal Minds, though that is a good thing because I also woefully need to clean my room and that way, I will stop being tempted by the television as a means of procrastination. In addition, I still have Mamma Mia to watch from Netflix again. Good times.

To conclude, how is there not more Bones/Criminal Minds fic? Of course, I write this entry hours ago and I have now spent oodles of hours up reading CM slash of any and all varieties (Never thought Rossi/Prentiss was a pairing I would get behind. Huh.). Still, my desire for awesome Bones/Criminal Minds stories (in which Zach and Reid bond over being dork geniuses) still stands. Help me out here, internet!

tv: without a trace, tv: criminal minds, tv: bones, fic: plots and problems

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