Dude, no chick flick moments...

Sep 16, 2008 10:45

From sadcypress:

When you see this, post another Supernatural quote in your LJ. Let's see how long this can go on.

Dean: Hey, Sam?
Sam: Yeah?
Dean: Now that this is all over, I want you to tell me what that secret was.
Sam: Look, you're my brother. And I'd die for you. But there are some things I need to keep to myself.

- Episode 1.5, "Bloody Mary"

Gosh, I love me some SPN season one. I am horrendously (like at least a month of episodes!) behind in the current season, and I might not see the new one for a while due to moving and lack of cable. Perhaps I will buy season 3 as a "woo, you moved!" present to myself.

The Craigslist mover guys came (2 hours late) but were ridiculously fast and adorable. So now all of our crap (except for my computer and the tv, mostly) is in San Francisco. We are back at the "old house" for a couple hours while I use the internet (not getting hooked up until Sunday, ew!) to go online for class and then back to the new place for the night. Whee, it is so cute! I will have to take pictures.

tv: supernatural, cleaning house

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