I never remember to do this meme when it comes around, but it's today's "Daily Entertainment" when I was wandereing by
milliways_bar, so here goes:
1. My username is ______ because ______.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ______.
3. My friends page is called ____ because ______.
4. My default userpic is ____ because ______.
My username is
flyakate because when I needed a new AIM name years ago, my sister and mom thought this was go, and somehow put us in mind of Mary Poppins' "let's go fly a kite". Yeah, we're strange. Also, it's a shortening of my name that is funny.
My journal is titled charts, facts, figure (and instructions for dancing) -- the parenthetical is the subtitle -- because it is a line from the the song "Book of Love" (originally by Magnetic Fields, though I'm fonder of the Peter Gabriel cover): The book of love is long and boring, No one can lift the damm thing.
It's full of charts and facts and figures, and instructions for dancing.
My friends page is called fools and sages from "Dream On" by Aerosmith. It also seems to sum up my friends well, a mixture of wisdom and silliness.
My default userpic is
because when I changed my layout away from "barefoot whenever possible" (as pretty as it was) I'd always wanted something that would be a great thematically appropriate default. So I found some stock photo (on veer, maybe?) and here we are!
If anyone else wants to do this, feel free! I always enjoy learning about why people chose their usernames, it's fascinating.
Packing continues apace, though mostly it's just making my room look like crap. But I got to sleep a lot last night, so that was helpful, if time consuming. But at least I've watched several episodes of Bones, including the Christmas episode where they're all quarantined in the Jeffersonian. I can tell I'm tired and emotional right now; the bit where they all got their families to visit them made me cry. *sniffle*
Okay, productivity time now!
Oh, and, while messy (and a little coffee groundy) the cold-brew coffee is still delicious!