Sorry for the funky formatting, one would think that LJ would
format their email posting normally, but oh well... Fixed now!
Things are going well: I'm learning teaching the 5th and 6th graders about decimals and fractions and percents (and how, really, they're all the same thing, sort of). On Monday night, I got to hang out with the kids from Chicks (with Sticks), my younger girls' lacrosse team, who are uber cute. Tuesday I watched To Kill a Mockingbird and part of Eddie Izzard: Dressed to Kill with M (so a night of depressing hilarity? I dunno) and tonight I have frisbee (Sunday went well, I actually got to touch the frisbee a lot, which was nice) and hopefully I will push myself to actually play a lot. It's harder to do so when there are a tons of people and I can always have a sub. So fingers crossed... :o)
I have a bit of a headache at the moment, but I think it's because I'm STARVING. Hopefully I can have another (leftover) sandwich from lunch. I also have a granola bar and some awesome trail mix from Trader Joe's (which I probably will save for later because I don't want to give any kid allergic to nuts an allergy attack, that just seems rude).
Also, today? We got to see WILD ANIMALS. Yesterday was the "Wild Cats" show and there was a mountain lion (an actual mountain lion, it was crazy) and an ocelot and a lynx. Today, the
Wildlife Associates came and the kinkajou is quite possible the cutest thing ever.
See? His name was Yoda. Also, I kind of want an anteater to come and hang out with me (his name was George). Too cute.
Friday, fingers crossed, we get to go to Raging Waters, which will be fun, I hope. I think I might need to go bathing suit shopping beforehand, though. I'll have to fashion consult with my sister before, because I can't tell if my bathing suit still fits or not. Dang.
Fortunately, it's almost "recess" and then there will be arts and crafts and then I get to go home... or rather, to frisbee. In the words of my sister (still in bed this morning as I left): see you approximately never. Indeed.
Hope all is well with... all. Sorry I've been mildly sporadic (and still need to post about the season premiere of SGA! Oh, show.)
Just gotta keep on trucking... XD