I slept in for a long time, it was kind of awesome. And now Younger Sister is back from her weekend in The City and a new week can begin. In slightly more exciting news,
mcshep_match is open! There is already the first pair of fics posted for the prompt "Thief in the Night". Very cool. I love fics.
Also, if you are jealous and wishing that you too could be part of the awesomeness that is the Away Team this fic challenge, they're still looking for BACKUP WRITERS
Maybe I'll say yes. I'm a glutton for last-minute fic scrambling ;o)
Also, there are approximately a million books I want to buy right now. Get thee to a nunnery library!*
*While I used to buy lots of books (and wow, now OWN lots of books, who'd have thought?) I've noticed that because I read so fast it is kind of financially stupid to buy a book that I will finish in a day or two. Thus, the library is awesome. Of course, there's always those pesky late fees because me and being on time never quite meet...