These are just a sampling of the many, many fantastic fanfics I've read in the past couple days. Most are non-spoilery, being highly AU (if that counts as a kink, sign me up, man). And, if you have never seen Supernatural, WHAT is the matter with you? :o) It's so much fun! Demons and wendigos and vampires, oh my! Seriously, check it out. Coming off of holiday hiatus tomorrow. So exciting!
Just like an Episode
Beach Blanket Poltergeist by
hansbekhart This fic is ridiculously long but in that "thank God, it's not over yet" sort of way. Sam and Dean save a church, a city, and the world. Added bonus of pink sharpies and snarkiness :o)
AU pre-series
Straight on Til Morning by
trollprincess A story I wish I'd written. Purely fabulous AU where Mary survives the fire and becomes the stronger and more kickassed for it. Great characterizations all around.
These are Words that Go Together Well> by sanyin
What might have been if Dean had been a girl instead. Cute and achey and a fascinating look at John Winchester especially.
Jess/Sam AU
* No, Make Something Up by
trollprincess Truth can be a blessing as much as a curse. Sam tells Jess, set pre-series, and all changes. I love that we get to see such a great Jess character here. Much less dark then the following, but equally sharp.
O fallen angel, whisper something holy by
nitz4 Splinter from the end of the Pilot, where the Demon takes Sam in exchange for leaving Jess alive. A hot and twisted Dean with a side of Jess as they try to get him back, and are scarred in the process. Dark and lovely and ouchy.
The Things They Carried
i just got out when i did to prove the exit route was clear by
minervacat And they say the crap in our cars isn't important. A narrative about Dean and Sam's relationship is all nicely drawn through a cataloging of the stuff in the Impala's glove compartment.
Talismans by
killabeez Dean and his bracelets. Makes me all sniffly.
Inventory by
hiyacynth Sparsely drawn, Sam and Dean suiting up to go on the hunt. Greatl, evocative language.
Family Comes First by
ethrosdemon Cutest thing ever, in the Dean + babies = YAY sort of way. Raising a family, with the addition of an awesome OC babysitter.
Lantern in the Window by
destina Hurty, but interesting take on a future for Dean when the demon is gone but the hunt never is. I really enjoy the narrative voice in this story.
Read. Worship. Give feedback. Repeat XD