heh.. im realy bored! i dint do anyhtign after school at all today. I usally do stuff but today i didnt cuz im still semi grounded. Anyways today was a semi good day but i hated to outfit i was wearing, it wasnt really the outfit i didnt liek the shoes cuz they looked horrible with what i was wearing....sarah was brang shoes for me but they were extremely tooooo big...and they wouldent fit!!! lol sarah has big feet...lol just kidding. i was doing quizes......like the whole time cuz im extremely bored. My life has bin depressing lately, last night my mom was being the meanest bitch in the world...its like shes controling my lief or sumtin liek she doesnt want me to have fun...and she all like grounding me for no reason and way over protected...i hate this feeling..ugghh im extremely annoyed at her.. and very upset with the stupidness...ughh @!im fustrated i hate the feeling of fustration. mY MOMS A STUPID FUKING ABUSEIVE LITTLE WHORE.........Anyhow heres all the quizes i took....
Take the quiz:
"What Kinda Kiss R U?"
Romantic Kiss
Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever.