Well, I had planned to make a big "New Year's Post" but now I don't really feel like it, haha. Anyway, some resolutions include 1) make it all the way to 180 lbs, 2) get at least 1 or 2 really good pieces of new equipment for my drums, 3) get better at drums, 4) have a 90 average in school, 5) find out how to get rid of the pimple on my forehead that NEVER seems to go away, and...
...well, this isn't really a "resolution" per se, but I really need to get rid of this cold that I 've had for WAY TOO LONG now. Hey Allee, if you're reading this, do you remember how I was coughing a lot on the ride home from the Hellacaust show? Well, that was Novemember 24th and I have been coughing every day since then (and it had started two weeks before that). I've been to the doctor and it seems like I either have pneumonia or perhaps even seasonal asthma. I had a chest x-ray and a pulmonary exam, but of course those results take weeks to process. I feel ok otherwise, but the coughing and congestion is getting annoying after all this time.
In other news, I've been hanging out with my friend Becky a lot lately, which has been awesome. I'm sad that she'll be going back to France in the next couple days, though. I'm gonna miss her so much. I remember during the fall thinking to myself that "I wish had a friend who was like this and this and this, etc" and then I realized that Becky is exactly that type of friend (or even the person in particular) I had been wishing for. I almost sort of regret not spending more time with her last year at Mt. Allison. She'll be back here in the spring, though, so I'll have that to look forward to. I guess I'm just having one of those moments where I realize how much a particular person means to me... Friends that truly understand you aren't always easy to come by, and I think those are the people that you really need to hang on to.
Anyway, here are some pictures from Christmas and New Year's Eve, as well as a couple new ones of me that I like.
Someone actually let me hold a baby :
It's actually my new baby cousin, Grayson, with me on Christmas day:
He's a cute little motherfucker:
I guess I'm vain, but I dig this pic of myself, haha:
This one's from New Year's Eve at Baba's... Caroline and Becky with their friend Caitlin behind them:
Me, with my new hat:
Me and Becky:
again... I look weird:
Gruesome Sean, looking menacing:
Gruesome Sean, Laura, and Graham all looking REALLY fucking menacing :P
Me and part of Allee from some party on New Year's Eve:
More recently, from my room:
With my wall. We be tight:
And that shall be all...