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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi!
You: I'm Mikey! Aiden Micheal, really, but who wants to call anyone Aiden, right?
Stranger: 23/m/NY here
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi I'm Mikey
You: I'm trying to slow down and let my random stranger talk back but your silence is deafening. D:
You: ....
You: >: Man
You have disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Hello!
Stranger: nice meet you~
You: :D Man, you too!
You: I'm Mikey.
Stranger: i'm Gyeong-Hui
Stranger: i'm korean.
You: I have no idea how to pronounce that but it looks awesome. I'm American.
Stranger: I want to go American~
Stranger: oh~my misstake..
Stranger: America!!
You: HAha no, it's okay man! I totally caught it. America is the land of dreeeeams unless you live there
Stranger: are you man?
You: Last time I checked! I mean, discounting the girl jeans
You: :O Are you?
Stranger: i'm girl~
You: Cool. Girls are also awesome
You: Like, in a non-sexist way
Stranger: what mean non-sexist ?
Stranger: i don't know this wrod mean~sorry
You: Sexist is like.... like when guys say girls are cool because they have tits
Stranger: word.....not wrod
You: instead of because of like, how awesome they are just because they're awesome!
Stranger: ah~ i see
Stranger: thank
Stranger: how old are you, mikey?
You: I'm 16!
You: And you? If that isn't rude.
You: My mom would totally crack me across the back of the head for asking a lady's age
Stranger: i'm 19
You: Sweeeeet. Are you going to college? Or holding down a 9-5
You: And by 9-5 I mean a job.
You: Sorry. I talk a lot. Everyone says. It's probably why I keep ending up in lockers. D:
Stranger: i'm high schooler
Stranger: a senior
Stranger: that's okay~~~~
You: :3 Your English is really great! My Korean is uh. Well. I don't have any Korean!
Stranger: really?!!
You: Oh man, yeah!
Stranger: oh~thank you very much~!
You: It's no problem at all! I mean, it's true, right? And you should always tell the truth about things like this!
Stranger: Is there you now alone?
You: Like, in the house? I've seen horror movies that start this way ;3
Stranger: i mean, are you in your room alone noW?
You: Oh uh! Yeah!
Stranger: me, too~hahaha
Stranger: I like you, I mean you are nine boy~ :)
You: :O Thanks
Stranger: nine no!!!
Stranger: nice....!
You: Nice! Yeah! You too!
Stranger: Do you have girl Friend?
You: Me? Yeesh, I don't know! I haven't seen her in months :<
You: I mean, I went away to boarding school and she hasn't talked to me in a while. It's totally teen angst dramalama
Stranger: i dont have boyfriend
You: Oh, man, that sucks. I mean, if you aren't all into being single which is a totally cool life choice or whatever!
Stranger: hahahahahahahahaha
You: Sometimes my mouth gets away without me, sorry :D
You have disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: brazilian?
You: Nope, Ameeeerican
Stranger: hmmmm
Stranger: name?
You: Mikey. Aiden Michael, really, but man, Aiden? No one wants to be an Aiden
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: Hi
Stranger: from ?
You: America!
You: You?
Stranger: america !
Stranger: yeah
You: Sweeet
Stranger: niiice
You: I'm Mikey. Which is childish I know but man it's better then Aiden Michael and pls don't disconnect upon hearing Aiden because I know it's bad but it's not THAT BAD right?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi I'm Mikey
Stranger: asl
You: oh uh
You: 16mus
You: asl
You: ??
Your conversational partner has disconnected
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: fuck you
You: MAN
Stranger: sk
Stranger: 나는
Stranger: 한국인
Stranger: 입네다ㅣ
You: Is that seriously all you know in English?
Stranger: where are you from
Stranger: i'm korean
You: Oh well apparently not. American.
Stranger: south
Stranger: hi
Stranger: I love you
You: Just so you know fuck you and I love you are like, totally different things!
Stranger: oh
You: yeah
Stranger: son of the beach
You: Oh well. Uh.
Stranger: I love america sorry
Stranger: have a good time
Stranger: bye
You: Nice to meet all of you except maybe fuck you guy
You: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: male or female?
You: Male
Stranger: horney?
You: ..........I said male right
Stranger: think u could satisfy me?
You: probably not
You: I mean
You: I can't reach that far
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: unless you're a girl and horny don't talk to me
You: ...........well fuck, I knew these jeans were going to confuse everyone
You: Should have got then non horny brand
Stranger: so... are you horny or not? cus that was funny and thats it
You: Not. Good luck on your quest!
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: cant you feel the kniiii ii i iiiiiiiiighhhh iiiiiiiifeeee ooooh
You: (air guitar)
Stranger: I'm not even sure if a guitar is involved
You: There should be
Stranger: it's a guitar
Stranger: See for yourself, lady
You: I'm a guy but thanks
Stranger: 1. I gathered
Stranger: and 2. You are welcome
You: No there is TOTALLY a guitar in there
You: It's distorted but it's there
Stranger: I see
Stranger: (distorted air guitar)
You: that is an epic forehead, man
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: Seriously
You: Oh gross. he should have that thing on his hand looked at
You: Or do less drugs either or
Stranger: Heh
You: When I grow up I want that beard.
Stranger: Me too
Stranger: I am a lady
Stranger: but still
Stranger: :<
You: Hey, wig shops totally supply facial hair
You: Down with gender roles! You get yourself a wigbeard and you swing that baby around town!
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: I'd get someone to grow one out
Stranger: braid it
Stranger: shave it
Stranger: and I'll wear it
You: Best plan yet. People pay fortunes for that sort of thing
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: But I'm cute
You: Oh well in that case
You: man, now I'm sad
You: I can only grow, like, buttscruff on my face
You: it's pathetic
Stranger: Shave it, pretend to be a cute lady and get someone to do that growin' for ya
You: I do wear an awful lot of girl jeans, it just might work!
Stranger: Very nice
You: Shit do I have to pluck my eyebrows? Girls do that right?
Stranger: If you look enough rikey a girl
Stranger: then you don't have to
Stranger: I hear men who grow beards enjoy the unibrows
Stranger: or uhm, caterpillars above yo twinkly eyes brah
You: Dude
You: Obviously I am hanging out with the wrong group of friends
Stranger: Do they all have buttscruff on their faces and wear girl pants?
Stranger: If so, I agree.
You: Well
You: If we travel in packs
You: and look twinkly and vicious enough
You: We don't get shoved into as many lockers
Stranger: Ahh
You: Like a roving gang of gay emo kids idk
Stranger: Ha
Stranger: If I'd ever saw them travel in a pack,
Stranger: I'd make sure to shove every single of their weak lanky girl bodies into a locker
Stranger: lockers*
You: Also, how are you ever going to find enough lockers at, like, Warped Tour or whatever
Stranger: ew
Stranger: I'll just
Stranger: wring all of your little necks
Stranger: and shove you guys into the same locker
Stranger: You'll all fit!
Stranger: Oh man I hear the guitar in Knife
Stranger: It's at the very beginning
You: See there you go
Stranger: MY LIFE
Stranger: ITS BEEN A LIE
Stranger: A
Stranger: LIE
Stranger: Well WHAT
You: Have a peanut
Stranger: Heh
Stranger: I would
Stranger: if I didn't eat my weight in foodstuffs today
You: Oh shit but food is so GOOD don't feel bad
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: As if I feel bad
You: I eat a metric ton of KFC chicken skin. That is CRACK in a bucket!
Stranger: Reglur KFC chikun
Stranger: or that grilled business
You: they have grilled stuff?
You: Do they even HAVE GRILLS?
Stranger: Fake grills?!
Stranger: They have this weird thing
Stranger: Kentucky grilled chicken
You: I don't trust it
Stranger: I wouldnt either good sir
Stranger: anyway
Stranger: be glad we're fatties
Stranger: because we don't fit into lockers
Stranger: and shit
You: >_____>
You: uh
Stranger: UH
You: No, I fit a locker
Stranger: (internet face)
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Eat more
Stranger: Fatty
You: I keep working it off!
Stranger: No wonder you can only grow buttscruff
Stranger: Real men don't fit into lockers
You: real men don't grown buttscruff
You: either
You: I mean
You: So I'm pretty much already down for the count. I CAN kick someone's ass with a stick, though.
Stranger: Then the stick
Stranger: is the real man
You: You wound what little pride I have
You: I'm going to listen to Fall Out Boy and cry a little
Stranger: Oh my god
Stranger: I want to disconnect from secondhand embarassment
Stranger: oh god
You: >B]
Stranger: I feel like dying
Stranger: ITS LIKE IM
You: I can't sing, you can tell by the way I drag out ever vowel
Stranger: hahahah
Stranger: i do that
You: Solidarity
You: vowel dragging, foodloving solidarity
You: Oh shit, mom's home. I've got to go save my chicken skin from her healthy ways
You: Bye!
You have disconnected.