Hot celeb battle- round 7.

Feb 12, 2015 18:58

I'm so glad hat there have been so many votes lately. Thank you for that!
That said, all of you who voted for my absolute favourite and got her voted off; you are on my list. Just so you know...

Voted off in the sixth round are... )

picture collage, public for now, picspam, hot celeb battle, pictures, meme

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Comments 11

annemaris February 12 2015, 18:05:36 UTC
Damn right I helped Nick stay in. /o/ (Tho it was pretty easy to do in some rounds! He was almost in danger of going out in the first round and then like in the 2nd round it was totes fine, etc.) Also bless, in the first and third picture he's wearing a scarf Harry Styles's mum gave him.

Also I feel like people should never vote for/vote out Amber in your polls? Like? Don't they KNOW????


fly_meaway February 12 2015, 18:08:04 UTC
Haha and honestly? I'm so glad you did! I ended up saving him in the first round, but I'm so glad he got to stick around for so many rounds. Weird how that works sometimes though. And ahhh really? That is so wonderful, I didn't know that ♥

Haha, right??? It's like they're intentionally trying to hurt me ;)


annemaris February 12 2015, 18:16:34 UTC
Yeah, I'm glad he lasted this long. :D And yeah! He talked about it the next day (day after the Brits), and was like, "I went to my friend's, their mum picked out a scarf for me" and we were all like "hmmmmmm, which friend, was it Harry?" and then he called up Harry on the show to ask him about something else that happened during the Brits, and he was in a car with his parents, and his mum was like "the scarf looks great!" and Nick was like "thank you" and told his team (and, well, the nation) that "Anne styled me" and all of us listening went "yesssss, we knew it". Lol. :D


fly_meaway February 12 2015, 21:55:44 UTC
Awwww, ohmygod, that is just too damn precious. Just wonderful ♥


missdi February 12 2015, 18:55:04 UTC
Oh, no, I'm sorry Amber is out already :(


fly_meaway February 12 2015, 21:55:59 UTC
Thank you for understanding :(


gutteredstar February 12 2015, 20:53:22 UTC
Aw Amber :(

Joan Of Arcadia is the best. I'm watching parenthood and the brother is in it and it's making me want to rewatch Joan so v much.


fly_meaway February 12 2015, 21:56:50 UTC
I know, right? :(

And oh you totally should do that! I'm so very tempted to re-watch too, but yeah, I wouldn't know where to do that. I didn't realize that the brother was in Parenthood though- I should really continue watching that show...


gutteredstar February 13 2015, 19:03:01 UTC
The older one, yeah. He's Lauren Graham's boytoy haha


turnyourankle February 14 2015, 03:40:17 UTC


fly_meaway February 14 2015, 20:36:29 UTC
Right??? I don't get it :(


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