It was her laughter that drew him to follow [doctor who/being human - rose/mitchell - PG]

Jun 04, 2011 01:54

Title: It was her laughter that drew him to follow
Fandom(s): Doctor Who/Being Human
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Rose/Mitchell
Rating/Warnings: PG
Prompt(s): Light, Dark, & Laughter
Word count: 2042
Disclaimer: I don't own either show or the characters from them. I only play with them with my own imagination.
Summary: A time traveler and a face frozen in time.
Notes: This was written as part of the docwholand big bang challenge. It's also unbeta'd so any mistakes are totally my fault. Other than that, enjoy!

It was her laughter that he caught first. Before the smell of her blood pumping through her veins and before he saw her golden blonde hair streaking through across the carriage filled road.

It was her laughter that drew him to follow.

She wasn’t alone like the prey he usually chose, she had a companion with her as they walked hand on arm through the main street of town. Automobiles and horses filled the road, people talked and yelled all around him as the cold of the murky November eve crept up on the townspeople but none of that mattered to him. He followed the laughter.

Rose held on to the Doctor’s arm, her eyes shining brightly as she took in the sight of 1920 London for the first time, it was better than she could have imagined. She saw all the people alive and bustling through the center of town, ignoring her wide mouthed gape and squeals of delight at seeing horse drawn carriages still roam through the streets. The Doctor just smiled and let her lead them through town.

A wrong step and she almost ended up in a puddle without the Doctor to hold her steady, her laughter rising from her throat at the thought of ending up face first in the mud.

That would be my luck, she thought, to find myself here, dressed like a proper lady, and the first thing I do is take a face first dive into the mud. Giggles rose up from her throat again as she sidestepped the muddy puddle and traversed down the road, unaware of the shadow following them.

She smelled different, cleaner than even the most noble of women he had tasted in his lifetime but there was something else, something he couldn’t put his finger on and that tempted his desire all the more. He had to know who she was.

Her blood called out to him and he grinned, his eyes fading to black before snapping back to their usually steely gaze.

Rose left the Doctor behind as she went into the store, he had been distracted by some woman’s hat and sought to follow her out in research. She only smiled as he loped off after the poor woman; she had no idea what was in store for her.

She paid no mind to the people in the store, each happy to be confided in their own lives to pay her any mind and it was better that way, less questions to answer. Rose ducked down to inspect a beautifully crafted hair bin and when he popped back up she found a pair of dark eyes staring back at her. Her breath caught in her throat, he was beautiful with dark hair and eyes, hidden underneath a wide brimmed black hat that matched this long coat and suit.

She smiled at him quickly, a bit nervous on the inside for no real reason she knew before ducking away out of the store. Rose felt eyes on her back as she made her way across the street and back to the Doctor who was nursing a red mark on his cheek. She grinned at his goofy smile and took the arm he offered as they set off in search for the Tardis.

She still felt a gaze on her and took a peek back towards the shop, meeting the dark man’s penetrating gaze. It was almost hungry in its intensity and possibly a bit of sadness but she wasn’t quite sure as he turned away quickly and headed back into the street, fading into the shadows.

“Stay with the Tardis,” he said.

Rose only nodded with a smile and watched as he disappeared into the crowds. A rally was going on and he was off to investigate it.

Routine took over; time and time again they would land and run out, eager to check out where the Tardis had taken them yet again. It was always new for Rose and the Doctor was eager to please until he ran off to make sure time was behaving itself.

She’d gotten used to their adventures, sure that he would return for her when the time called for it and until then she was free to roam the streets. This time it was the 1960’s, she wasn’t sure what year it was exactly but donning her costume from one of the various closets in the Tardis she was sure to blend in.
The people just blended together after a time, she noticed. Before she would see their faces and enjoy their stories and now they were like pages in a book, meant to be read and explored from a safe distance. Past experiences had given her that much as she sadly noted on the day her father died in her arms.

Shaking the thought from her head she made her way to the park, safely keeping the Tardis in sight so the Doctor couldn’t frown on her completely disobeying his instructions. As long as she could see it, it wasn’t like she wasn’t staying with it.

London was so different here, less cars and buildings, more trees and sunlight filled the area around her until she made her way to a fountain in the center of the park.

The water glistened and she smiled at her reflection, giving the braids in her hair an onceover and the peasant blouse a good straightening.

Rose leaned even further, nearly toppling into the cold, blue water if not for the pair of strong arms that seemingly shot out of nowhere and pulled her back onto her feet. Her breath escaped her as she turned towards the person who pulled her from a watery albeit graceful fall and stared into two of the blackest eyes she had ever seen. They were dark and hungry with need and oddly, familiar.

“Careful there now miss. Can’t have you falling into fountains even on a warm day like today,” his Irish accent flowed carefully, tucked behind a small smile as he loosened his grip on her arms and his falling by his sides.

“Hello,” Rose stumbled out, searching as to where she had seen those eyes before.

“Hello,” he said back, carefully keeping a small distance between them.

“Hello,” she said again, blushing as she realized she was repeating herself, “sorry about the hello. I already said that didn’t I?” She laughed in spite of herself, quelling the voice in her head that recognized those eyes.

He nodded, his smile growing a bit brighter and his eyes a bit lighter as she laughed. She looked the same. Her clothes were different and maybe her hair was a tad longer but she looked just as she had the last time he had seen her, almost 40 years before. He wasn’t going to interfere or get closer once he spotted her across the park but he couldn’t help himself, self control wasn’t one of strongest points.

Rose fingered a button on her shirt, gazing over at the quiet stranger.

“I’m Rose by the way, thanks for saving me from,” she pointed behind her with a blushing grin, “…that. Tricky things those fountains, always dragging you in no matter what time you in.” Her voice trailed off as she faced him again. She stuck her hand out.

“John,” was all he gave. His hand grasped hers, holding back his strength as he felt the warmth from her hand against his cold one. She didn’t smell like anyone he had run into in his lifetime or the next. Not vampire or were or even ghost, everything had a smell but hers was different, lingering.

She wanted to ask him every question that was running through her mind but only one thing came out.
“Why do you look so familiar?” It clicked finally; he looked like the man she saw back in the 20s, a trip she took a few weeks ago with the Doctor.

He peered down at her, as if looking at her for the first time instead of through her. His fangs threatened to show as he watched her throat closely, the rise and fall of her breathing as her body reacted to his touch.

“Excuse me?” he asked, ignoring the pulse of life coursing through her body, connected by their fingertips.
She laughed to cover her embarrassment at the question, her hand slipping from his slowly. He wanted to grab her hand back and keep it close. He wanted to ask her a thousand questions, wanted to know who she was and why she was like him but not.

“Never mind,” she said while she brushed off the dirt that wasn’t on her shirt, “a bit silly I suppose.” No chance

“Rose?” a voice called out from across the park, startling Rose from her from her staring contest with the button.

“Oops, that’s my ride. See you around sometime John,” she waved from over her shoulder as she took off towards the man standing by a blue box. He looked the same too, same clothes also.
John could still feel her touch on his hand; felt the lingering warmth as it slowly faded away until it was nothing but a memory.

Rose remembered his eyes, even as they sailed through time and trips grew far and distant, his gaze was never far from her memory. They were the same, she was sure of it.

He could be another time agent, she thought wistfully, or he’s some relative somehow. Rose nodded absently as her common sense kicked in. She pushed away the image of his dark eyes and cold touch, the way his gaze penetrated her costume as if he could see where she was truly from.

Nothing more than a chance encounter, she thought to her herself, probably some relative to the man she saw in the shops from the 20s.

“Home,” Rose breathed happily as she took off for home once they landed. It had been too long since she had found her way back to her Mother and her life. She knew she had only been gone a couple of days but time in the Tardis moved differently and what was days to her Mother was actually weeks.

She waved to The Doctor, making him promise once again to not leave without her before jetting off down the alley to her apartment. She weaved between the people, smiling and laughing as she neared her apartment building. Just as Rose approached the building she bumped into somebody solid, bouncing off them and landing a bit less than graceful on the concrete.

“Hey,” she called out. A bubble of laughter rose from her throat as she landed squarely on her ass, the midday sun blinding her.

“Sorry,” the figure spoke down to her, extending a hand as she grasped it, shading her eyes from the sun with her free hand. Dark hair and porter scrubs stood above her as the man hoisted her to her feet quickly.

“No, sorry it was my bad,” Rose blinked back the sunspots and lowered her hand as she gazed up at the face of the man she had run into. Her jaw dropped as she recognized the eyes immediately. The hair was bit shorter and his clothes were hospital scrubs but everything else looked exactly the same, right down to the grim line he wore on his face.

“It’s you...” she said, her hand still clasped in his.

“Sorry?” His voice betrayed nothing but his eyes never left her face, he knew it was her. The laughter, the light, the smile he had seen before, it was her. Another 40 years had passed and she looked none the older. A face frozen in time, like him but not, she was something different, something brighter.

The monster inside boiled underneath his surface, old tendencies from his past fought to break his resolve and devour the light standing in front of him. He fought himself
“John?” Her fingers gripped his harder and he looked down at them, seeing her warm fingers tangled with his and he wanted at that moment to let go of the dark.

One word would be all it took. Her laughter, her smile, her light and one word.


crossover: doctor who/being human, tv: doctor who, pairing: rose/mitchell, tv: being human, &sourpony

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